You’re entitled to your wrong opinion, anon. 🙂
Hey. Sending hugs to you tonight because even though I have chosen not to watch it, it’s still breaking my heart ? #kana
Thank you, anon! That genuinely means a lot. I didn’t watch either but I was following reactions and then the subsequent arguments that sprung up and have been stewing in my own anger and hurt since, so your gentle sympathy is very welcome.
There’s no point in repeating all the reasons it sucks, we all know them already, but the worst is always all those people who jump in to claim we’re overreacting and to get over it. And then we have to go back to the rest of media that’s filled with het. Usually I’m fine with that and feel so pleased and lucky every time I see new f/f, but right now, I’m the opposite, just resentful at the imbalance in quantity and quality. How we have to scrounge for every bit of subtext, make excuses for poor writing and no screentime, celebrate the tiniest things.
At least we’ve gone through it enough to know it’s just a temporary state?
I think you should know that every time I see your blog’s name I read it “boobsaur”
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.