Wait so did Ivy finally dump kite man and did she not go thru w the wedding? I’ve been waiting to watch Bc I don’t trust the writers lol. And for some reason kite man seems to be popular with ppl which makes no sense to me Bc he was a total dick in the ep I watched.

Well. Well! She– Hmm. Okay. Soooo…no? Heh. HE realized how much she didn’t want to marry him and dumped her and left. >_>

I’m of two minds about it, tbh, because on the one hand, yes, it is absolutely clear to everyone, including the audience, that Ivy loves Harley, so if he left because she didn’t love him or HE left because she didn’t love him, same difference. But on the other hand, there was a TON of him and there’s just BEEN so much of him, and exactly as you said, people seem to love him and I don’t know if the writers get that when it comes to female characters, it doesn’t even matter if they’re the leads, people will jump at any chance to center men. So even though I don’t think they like, sidelined Harley or Ivy for him, you gotta just expect a certain reaction and account for it. Aside from the actual plot point of it still being nice if Ivy made the decision.

But like, to be very precise in this, it’s not that the disappointment I have for this ep is deep, I’m just working through having any at all. I’m mostly venting because I think they could have just so easily made different and better choices, or ones I preferred, anyway. I wouldn’t at all dissuade people from watching, especially the whole show. 

Wow that HQ episode! It was really sweet and Harley confessed her love like three times lol. I hope we get an Ivy confession for the finale – it’s her turn, IMO! Also, ty for giffing it and ty to the other anons for talking about it so much on here! :) I started watching b/c you guys got me so curious about it!

She diddd, it was just all Harley trying to save her girl while openly telling everyone she loved her. Harley does everything so…unabashedly. 🙂 But definitely waiting for Ivy to say it now! I mean, I get it’s the big culmination of the arc so they can’t reveal too much for fear of diluting the tension or give it away before the season finale, but we’re here now! I’m ready for it. And I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I’ll pass on the thanks to my friend for making me watch it. 😛