First, I have nothing against Santi but I just think that Gonzalo should’ve won.

Sure, that’s fair enough. 

Well, may as well tackle the rest.

And another anon:

gdhdj i admit, while voting i thought to myself “barb’s bf or maca’s bro..” and ended up just skipping it haha.. but since he’s the only one who didn’t win it feels a little awkward now

It does, it stands out now. It wasn’t our job to win for Gonzalo but since we managed to win for everyone else, well. Still…what can ya do. I suppose it’s possible that Santiago’s fanbase was strong enough to overcome whatever votes our fandom threw in for Gonzalo.

And another anon:

i’m really really happy about the awards even though i haven’t slept at all lol. we’re the best. aren’t we? but i… i feel bad for gonza :/ i voted for him and was kinda positive he was gonna win, and i have this uneasy feeling i can’t quite get rid of :<

We are, anon, we are the best. Sleep deprived but the best. I get you, I mostly threw my votes his way as well, since I was in fact just voting AAM down the sheet but I would hope that nobody takes it too badly. Maca did actually ask the fandom to vote for her brother so as people were scrolling down that would have been an understandable reason in picking Santiago and well, it’s Maca’s brother, not AAM’s sworn enemy.

And another anon:

I don’t know how I feel about Gonzo; he’s so different to his character in the sense that Guille looks so soft and puppy like, yet with his tats and shades, he looks rougher around the edges, and his outfit to the award show did seem really funny when compared to the classiness of all the dresses. But hey, I’m glad Maca, Barbie and he all got to work together. Maybe he is a softy in his own way, to say he and Barbara have been together for so long, and I’m glad they’re both happy together.

Doesn’t everyone have tats nowadays, I don’t think that makes you rough around the edges. 😛 His Captain Haddock look was definitely more casual but I didn’t really notice until somebody else pointed it out, lol. 

Anon, you don’t need to have an opinion or feelings on him at all, actually. Beyond the common courtesy and respect you’d afford for every person and in this case for being someone Barbara likes–Barbara who we all like–it doesn’t have to be a big thing. You can be neutral on people. I personally find it easier in life to have a generally more laid back outlook, it just helps everything in the long run, but you don’t have to force yourself to like someone. Just, I don’t really see the point of actively disliking him here because that’s just going to sour the experience? So I think you have the right idea, we don’t know anything about them or their lives so, good for whatever makes them happy, and that’s that.

And another anon:

do you think santiago is aware of the support he gets from his sister / juliantinas?

I would think she told him, yes.

And another anon:

from what i’ve seen gonzalo is not known in mexico really in terms of acting, he is only recognized as the guy from the trivago commercial so he really doesnt have a fanbase at all

I don’t know about that, I think any young good-looking dude probably has some fans, lol.

And another anon:

actually Santiago and that chic who was Bárbara’s biggest competitor are from the same novela and the girl had a huuuuge fan base so i think he would’ve won either way

Well, if she has the huge fanbase why would he…well, if he caught some of the spillover? Yeah, I can see that. It’s what happened for AAM, after all.

And another anon:

Santiago has a pretty good fanbase because his novela is a teen oriented one but the juliantina’s ended up voting a lot for him because he is Maca’s brother and he is a pretty sweet guy, some even voted for another actor that is from the same novela as Santiago and is also his friend and was competing in the same category because the dude asked people to vote for Barbara

Heh, fair enough. I’m still mostly just surprised the guy from the m/m couple didn’t win it so I don’t really know what happened in this category. 

And another anon AND FINAL:

Everyone is saying how petty this is, all I can think of is Santiago Achaga has his sister’s eyes!! And I couldn’t just pass them and not vote! I have been conditioned to love them unconditionally, sorry

Hahahaha, at least you were honest, anon. Probably the best justification yet.