I don’t really see how Valentina wouldn’t be able to get over it. They were broken up, Valentina knows how much Juliana is struggling especially with the confrontation with her mom, Eva and the hospital fiasco. Not to mention El Chino and the cartel. Why wouldn’t Vale be able to get over it prior to any time jump?

I mean…that sounds fair. I guess we’re all thinking that’s just too easy? It’s the end of the story drama, it feels like it should be more prolonged than that. And while did you send this before Val found and was all, sometimes you just don’t know people to Renata, her reactions since seem to indicate she would be open to any explanation from Juls.

And another anon:

in telenovelas, it usually takes about one week or so, to reconcile after things like that, depending on how they play it out. if they go the “omg you are in danger i love you i cant lose you i dont care what happened before” and use the kidnapping, that would be legit. of course paired with the “i am so sorry, it was stupid, i love you so much, it’s only you i swear” or, they could do the whole “we are young, i am not safe here, i gotta move, i love you but” and then meet after time jump

That does seeeeem at the moment like where they could go. And the former! Hopefully not the latter. For like five seconds, I was like, yeah, maybe they do need a timeskip, but I’d forgotten everything they’re going to go through. I didn’t think Val was going to play such an active role in Juls’ kidnapping, gosh. It would be cruel to keep them apart.

And another anon:

I mean val and juls were broken up. No one cheated on anyone. Juls feels guilty, understandably, and val will be upset, understandably, but no one cheated on anyone. And to be honest, val isnt the one who is gonna suffer the most because of this, that person will be juls. It’s not a competition I guess, but that’s the facts.

Mhmm, you’re right about that. None of this is at all something Juls has been enjoying. What led to it, what happened, and the aftermath. And then being kidnapped and left to think about it immediately after.