


The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days.

What does this mean?

Right now, the presidential election results are only a PROJECTION of the election outcome. They are PRELIMINARY RESULTS. A candidate still needs to earn 270 electoral votes to win. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which means that more than 50% of the voters wanted her for president. The electoral college shouldn’t guarantee an override of the public’s opinion– and it doesn’t have to.

There are 21 states that do NOT restrict which candidate the electors vote for. Out of these 21, Hillary lost the following:

As you can see, these states are worth 166 electoral votes. As it currently stands, Hillary Clinton is projected to receive 232 votes. Trump is projected to win 306. This means that 37 votes need to be taken away from Trump to bring him down to 269. Hillary Clinton needs 38 votes ADDED to win 270. These electoral voters can also abstain, which means that they can refuse to vote for either candidate. If 37 of the voters within these states abstain then no candidate will have reached the required 270. In this case, the vote would be taken to the House.

Trump won Pennsylvania, a state that typically votes blue, by less than 100,000 votes. While it is highly unlikely to get all 20 electoral voters to cross party lines and vote democrat, it also isn’t impossible to convince a few of them to be “faithless electors.” We only need to convince 38 out of the 166. That is 23%. There are SIXTEEN states we need to focus our attention on.

A move like this would be unprecedented. However, as we all saw on November 8th, odds don’t guarantee reality. Trump had a less than 20% winning, yet given the circumstances, enough people came together and made it happen. We can make this happen

Ask yourself this: What do we have left to lose? We can stay complacent and accept that this country will be run by a racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, ablest bigot, or we can at least try


SPREAD THE WORD. Trend #NotMyPresident to let people know that we do not accept being led by a man who does not care about our wellbeing. Email your professors, email the dean of your colleges. The last thing a university wants is negative press. Millenials can take a stand, but that doesn’t mean we have to be the only ones. Church-led events helped bring a lot of disillusioned voters to the polls. Spread the word in any way possible, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or even in person. Stage a peaceful protest. Hand out flyers. Let the people around you know that you don’t accept this man as your leader when he won’t even accept you as a citizen with your designated rights.

These 166 people need to face the consequences of electing this man. 

Do this for the people who couldn’t vote. Do this for the people who live in the very real fear of being deported. Do this for the people who will have to face the rise in hate crimes. Do this for the people who have a very real possibility of losing their rights. Do this for the people who will no longer afford necessities. 

There’s one other long shot: the National Popular Vote bill. Currently 11 states have signed it into law, those states having a total of 165 electoral votes. If enough further states sign that they have a combined 270 electoral votes or more, the bill would force participating states’ electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote. In other words, if enough states passed this law before December 19th, a majority of the electoral college would vote for Hillary Clinton.

This is of course incredibly unlikely, and legislation is slow at the best of times. But it’s still possible! Make some noise about this too.




The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days.

What does this mean?

Right now, the presidential election results are only a PROJECTION of the election outcome. They are PRELIMINARY RESULTS. A candidate still needs to earn 270 electoral votes to win. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which means that more than 50% of the voters wanted her for president. The electoral college shouldn’t guarantee an override of the public’s opinion– and it doesn’t have to.

There are 21 states that do NOT restrict which candidate the electors vote for. Out of these 21, Hillary lost the following:

As you can see, these states are worth 166 electoral votes. As it currently stands, Hillary Clinton is projected to receive 232 votes. Trump is projected to win 306. This means that 37 votes need to be taken away from Trump to bring him down to 269. Hillary Clinton needs 38 votes ADDED to win 270. These electoral voters can also abstain, which means that they can refuse to vote for either candidate. If 37 of the voters within these states abstain then no candidate will have reached the required 270. In this case, the vote would be taken to the House.

Trump won Pennsylvania, a state that typically votes blue, by less than 100,000 votes. While it is highly unlikely to get all 20 electoral voters to cross party lines and vote democrat, it also isn’t impossible to convince a few of them to be “faithless electors.” We only need to convince 38 out of the 166. That is 23%. There are SIXTEEN states we need to focus our attention on.

A move like this would be unprecedented. However, as we all saw on November 8th, odds don’t guarantee reality. Trump had a less than 20% winning, yet given the circumstances, enough people came together and made it happen. We can make this happen

Ask yourself this: What do we have left to lose? We can stay complacent and accept that this country will be run by a racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, ablest bigot, or we can at least try


SPREAD THE WORD. Trend #NotMyPresident to let people know that we do not accept being led by a man who does not care about our wellbeing. Email your professors, email the dean of your colleges. The last thing a university wants is negative press. Millenials can take a stand, but that doesn’t mean we have to be the only ones. Church-led events helped bring a lot of disillusioned voters to the polls. Spread the word in any way possible, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or even in person. Stage a peaceful protest. Hand out flyers. Let the people around you know that you don’t accept this man as your leader when he won’t even accept you as a citizen with your designated rights.

These 166 people need to face the consequences of electing this man. 

Do this for the people who couldn’t vote. Do this for the people who live in the very real fear of being deported. Do this for the people who will have to face the rise in hate crimes. Do this for the people who have a very real possibility of losing their rights. Do this for the people who will no longer afford necessities. 

There’s one other long shot: the National Popular Vote bill. Currently 11 states have signed it into law, those states having a total of 165 electoral votes. If enough further states sign that they have a combined 270 electoral votes or more, the bill would force participating states’ electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote. In other words, if enough states passed this law before December 19th, a majority of the electoral college would vote for Hillary Clinton.

This is of course incredibly unlikely, and legislation is slow at the best of times. But it’s still possible! Make some noise about this too.





i am already mourning for those in the disability community who will die. people i know personally will likely die. people in my little cripple punk circles are already fearing for their lives
the heartbreak that i’m feeling is overwhelming

That’s fucking ridiculous!  Trump isn’t doing a damned thing to prevent their getting treatment.  In fact, he’s rescuing heath care access for all.  Hillary Clinton wanted you dependent on government handouts that she could cut at any time.  She wanted to further the failed Obamacare.  Most disabled people couldn’t afford either those premiums or deductibles.  She and Obama were the ones endangering their lives.

people are going to lose the only coverage they could afford. people are going to die. go fuck yourself.

When they cut the ACA, I expect to end up going to 2-4 funerals in the next few years for preventable, senseless deaths.  That’s counting only the folks I know who need constant, immediate medication and treatment to stay alive.  I can’t say how bad it will get for folks who fight depression or other conditions that lead to suicide when left untreated, or how many friends have serious conditions you might be “ok-ish” without medication for a few months or a year or two before things like organ failure or heart attack kick in.

Aside from the blatantly wrong and lying “ACA is bad” crowd, I’m also feeling extra “Fuck you” to the “It’ll be ok” side on the left.  A lot of people are going to die, and it’s not going to be ok for them.  “We survived Bush, we’ll survive this” doesn’t apply here.  They’re going to be dead.





i am already mourning for those in the disability community who will die. people i know personally will likely die. people in my little cripple punk circles are already fearing for their lives
the heartbreak that i’m feeling is overwhelming

That’s fucking ridiculous!  Trump isn’t doing a damned thing to prevent their getting treatment.  In fact, he’s rescuing heath care access for all.  Hillary Clinton wanted you dependent on government handouts that she could cut at any time.  She wanted to further the failed Obamacare.  Most disabled people couldn’t afford either those premiums or deductibles.  She and Obama were the ones endangering their lives.

people are going to lose the only coverage they could afford. people are going to die. go fuck yourself.

When they cut the ACA, I expect to end up going to 2-4 funerals in the next few years for preventable, senseless deaths.  That’s counting only the folks I know who need constant, immediate medication and treatment to stay alive.  I can’t say how bad it will get for folks who fight depression or other conditions that lead to suicide when left untreated, or how many friends have serious conditions you might be “ok-ish” without medication for a few months or a year or two before things like organ failure or heart attack kick in.

Aside from the blatantly wrong and lying “ACA is bad” crowd, I’m also feeling extra “Fuck you” to the “It’ll be ok” side on the left.  A lot of people are going to die, and it’s not going to be ok for them.  “We survived Bush, we’ll survive this” doesn’t apply here.  They’re going to be dead.

Just want you to know I’m a white millennial and I didn’t vote for Trump. I campaigned for Hillary and I voted for her. I’ve challenged other white millennials about why they’re voting for Trump and I’ve called people out. There may not be many of us who aren’t complete idiots but we do exist. It pisses me off that white millennials can’t see sense. Please don’t discount all white millennials as Trump supporters. That man isn’t my President.

Same anon again. I just wanted to say I hope that last ask didn’t come off as rude or pissed off. That’s not how I meant it. After reading your tags I just wanted to tell you that you’ve got at least one white millennial in your corner who hates how the majority of white millennials are acting.

I didn’t take it in a rude or pissed off way. 🙂

I don’t discount you, but I need you to keep working at it. I need there to be many, many more of you. Until there are, it doesn’t help if some of you don’t support that ideology, because the majority’s choices will have great consequences. As we just saw yesterday. 

Just want you to know I’m a white millennial and I didn’t vote for Trump. I campaigned for Hillary and I voted for her. I’ve challenged other white millennials about why they’re voting for Trump and I’ve called people out. There may not be many of us who aren’t complete idiots but we do exist. It pisses me off that white millennials can’t see sense. Please don’t discount all white millennials as Trump supporters. That man isn’t my President.

Same anon again. I just wanted to say I hope that last ask didn’t come off as rude or pissed off. That’s not how I meant it. After reading your tags I just wanted to tell you that you’ve got at least one white millennial in your corner who hates how the majority of white millennials are acting.

I didn’t take it in a rude or pissed off way. 🙂

I don’t discount you, but I need you to keep working at it. I need there to be many, many more of you. Until there are, it doesn’t help if some of you don’t support that ideology, because the majority’s choices will have great consequences. As we just saw yesterday.