given the refocus in s2 of el embarcadero, do you think it’d still be too jarring to go from watching just alejandra and veronica’s scenes in s1 to watching the whole episodes in s2? ’cause idk if I have the patience to wait for the youtube channel I watched the s1 scenes on to upload all of the s2 scenes

Oh, I don’t think so. Especially the first eps–well, there’s a lot of Alex/Conrado at a point, maybe that you’ll find annoying, but the amount of Alex/Veronica around them and overlapping, it would be cut pretty jarringly anyway. But it’d be possible, I guess. 

It depends on what you want to get out of it. While I found Alex/Conrado meh, all the m/f highlighted Alex/Veronica in the end. And I just don’t know what the Alex/Veronica bits would cut out. Like, did they include the parts in the first season where Alex was frantically brainstorming and designing a new building, an open vibrant design that was basically Veronica? Those scenes were mostly Alex with Conrado or Katia or her boss, but how romantic! To redesign her great career triumph, the one place she was confident in, in the shape of this woman she doesn’t even know she’s in love with. She think she’s obsessed with her because of Oscar, but it helps the audience see how it’s something inspiring her and positive and amazing.

I dunno, I almost always advocate for watching the whole thing but whatever you didn’t like in s1 that made you go for just the A/V clips, that doesn’t disappear in the second season. I’d watch at least the first ep, and then by the end of the second, you’ll see the Alex/Conrado and can decide if you want to put up with it or not.

The women of the pier ??? (the mom can go…)

Hah, yes! Same. Alex and Vero, no question, I adore them, but I really like Katia and Ada too. The mom…she IS just so unrelentingly selfish and chance after chance Alex gives her, she remains so utterly focused on herself. Ada’s just a kid, I’m not gonna blame her for going along with Blanca, and Katia’s definitely not perfect, but she tries, she learns. Blanca…eesh. 

I know what you mean by “living in 2×01” now…. ? The bathtub, where’s my bed (tension!) and the office + walking out together scenes. Perfecto *chef kisses*

Yep! Sometimes, when I’m shifting back to this show from another and am honestly kind of impatient to move ahead to other eps, I’m like, is there anything left in this one? But there is! So much! As you said, the tension around the bed scene, the waking up, the office, at the end that amused “did you talk to your therapist about me?” I really, really love this ep and refuse to be hurried through it! Even by that most fickle of people…me. 

Rambling Pier Anon again… started watching. Wanna punch oscar. Am i supposed to like him? (Love the show so far btw, thx for bringing it to my attention)

I think it’s supposed to be a very non-judgmental show, where even though these characters do things that are often very selfish and morally incorrect, cheating, lying, and a lot more, we’re supposed to sympathize or at least understand them. The show gives us time with them to see why they do what they do, why it matters to them. 

And despite my clear bias to always favor women, I did go in with an open mind and was willing to see Oscar’s side of things and for much of the first season I did. Well, I always did, but it stopped being enough at some point. We see how many times he makes the decision to continue with Veronica and Sol and to not tell Alex and how he justifies it, and like, I’m pretty chill about affairs, so many of my f/f ships start like that, TV likes to create these overwrought situations where it’s so hard to just break things off, fine, but he’s just sooooo selllllfisssshhhhh for soooo lonnngggg. The position he leaves them all in! All three of them! When he leaves Alex just a goddamn horse? I just don’t like him.