I’ve also just finished El Embarcadero, which I’d started watching after seeing some of your gifs, and I loved it, so thanks for that! After finishing it I went through your tag to read your thoughts on it (and I totally agree with them). I love that you’re entertaining the idea of giffing it again ;))

 Awww, yay! I always feel disproportionately good when people tell me they watch something because of me AND that they liked it. And you went through the tag too! Awww. Thank you for letting me know!

I DO want to add more, the whole of s2, practically, is undone. Did I even finish ep 1?? *gasp* I didn’t! I had the next one, after Alex got into bed, all ready to make and then. I didn’t. I have all these scattered drafts in different fandoms lying around… I’ll try to get back to this one, I swear! 

What do you think Alex and Vero are doing right now? I was wondering what jobs they would have. Or does Alex have enough savings that they’re just relaxing and being great moms to Sol. I miss those two so much!!

Same! God, those two feel like they’re from a lifetime ago. When things were sunlit and happy.

Oh, to live there forever. 

“Right now” in a world where there wasn’t a pandemic? Because if they’re experiencing this too, I hope they’re bunkered down! 

But let’s say there isn’t one (man, the fact that going forward, stories not including a pandemic are automatically AUs…). Considering Alex’s green building was made, I imagine they are definitely comfortable when it comes to money, especially when neither is particularly material, Alex’s expensively understated wardrobe aside. But I also think Vero won’t want or let Alex stay at home not working like Oscar did. She seems bent on fixing the mistakes she made with him. Plus, Alex’s skills and creative calling are different from Oscar, who didn’t see finance the way Alex sees architecture. Yeah, both of them saw Veronica and fell hard, to the point of almost giving up their careers, but Alex channeled her feelings into something new and great at her actual job. So I don’t think Alex will stay away from it for long. 

Vero…that’s tougher. It depends on where they settle. I think they’d still want to live some place not too crowded, you can’t pen Vero and Sol up in a city apartment. Maybe they’d just do a tour and settle back in Albufera, but the memories must be overwhelming. Maybe they’d move a bit, lol, or go find a place like it, on a beach somewhere. Or maybe the city’d be perfect for them for a few years! I don’t really know, I actually really like their very open ending, just endless possibilities in front of them, each other at their side.

Will there be pier s3

No, I think this is it.

And another anon:

So I started season 2 the pier on you tube even if I haven’t seen season 1… is mustache police bad?

Unfortunately not. He’s an…ally.

And another anon:

Please tell me that Alex did not **** Caldavona and then go **** Vero.

Conrado? I always said there was a fair amount of m/f, if it’s not to your taste, anon, you could watch the clips or just not watch the show.

And another anon:

Yeah it’s sbs is geoblocked in America :/

Yeah, in the US, you should be able to get it on STARZ or HBO Go. Or try a VPN to access SBS.

And another anon:

yo, anon who originally asked about watching s2 after just the clips of s1 here, I did end up taking the plunge and started watching the full eps and I’m now about to watch the last ep and have enjoyed it a lot! (though the last couple eps have been pretty male-centric which has been annoying and I’m hoping the finale at least isn’t)

also just wanted to add that I did definitely get the narrative of alex like following a similar progression as oscar with veronica and la albufera with just the clips, so like, yeah

Oh, yeah, tbh, you know…I coulda done without the whole crime stuff. It gave them an antagonist and the plot some urgency, and as well as added some overarching mystery, but eh. So many more men added onto the story, lol. I feel like the finale was pretty Alex/Vero-centric? Kind of. It’s interesting, because usually when you have an intense main plot that lasts right till the end, I’m like, I’d have liked to see my faves relax and a bit of their domestic life post-adventures, but we got a lot of that with these two throughout. So you can imagine them living the best version of what we’ve already seen.

And nice, it’s cool even just the clips were able to convey that!

And another anon:

Wasn’t into Juliantina but damn do I love the pier ladies and I absolutely miss the rich mans’ daughter ??

Damn, sticking through the Juliantina times, phew. What about uh, Kana or Killjoys? My other two obsessions.  

like that anon i too started out by just watching the veronica x alex clips on youtube and was too impatient to wait for s2 so i downloaded the whole season and at first did continue to just skip around (especially over the just oscar parts) but with each episode i found myself watching more and more and then towards the end of the season i was watching whole episodes because i really started liking it. Now ill probably go back and watch both seasons all the way through

Oh, okay, thanks, anon! That might help the other anon. I feel like this is how it’d be for me too, if I’d started with just the clips. Alex and Vero are just so central to the show, it’s just a better experience watching the whole thing. it’s an enjoyable show on its own, but even as just a shipper, their love story is enriched by watching the whole thing. By everything we learn about their characters, by the contrasts between other characters and them, other relationships and theirs. Like, it’s totally understandable that you’d skip the Oscar and Conrado parts, but seeing Alex following Oscar’s footsteps in the first season, the way she seems to helplessly fall for Veronica and Albufera and Sol in the same way, it’s fun to watch.

Not all shows are like that, in Nurses there’s no mention of Ash and Caro outside their scenes, nobody talks about them, we don’t see Ash thinking about Caro away from her, their relationship isn’t treated better or differently from anyone else’s (although I guess it is the first to be brought into the friendship group and treated so domestically), aside from their characters being introduced separately in the first ep, we don’t learn much about them. I do think they’re very cute and I watch the full eps anyway, it’s an easy background watch show, but I’m just saying, I don’t push for watching the whole show for every series or ship. It’s just super rewarding for The Pier.

oh there wasn’t anything in particular that made me go for just the clips in s1, the full episodes just weren’t as readily available with english subs for me. and as far as I can tell, the clips had pretty much all of alex and veronica’s scenes whether they were together or not, so I did see the bit with her designing the building

Oh, okay, that’s a whole lot of scenes, I mean, either of the two are in almost every scene, why even bother cutting clips… Unless it’s excluding their romantic scenes with other people? Well, and there’s Katia/boss, Ada and her stuff. All right, that’s fair, lol. But yeah, I think for this season, it’d be especially tough to watch their clips only.