My main problem with Dickinson is that it invents a hetero relationship for her that has no basis in reality. We know from her letters that she loved women but the show just shoves the straight romance into the last half of the series. She considered that guy a teacher in real life, not a boyfriend.

And another anon(?):

What’s so weird about the Dickinson show is that they gave Emily a het romance….when it’s pretty well known that the real life Emily had no such thing. Did I expect two girls to fall in love in the 1800s and for that to be considered okay? But damn I got like backwards blue balls watching this series. It’s like they wanted us to long for Sue and Emily but didn’t tease it super well, so at the end it seems like Sue is happy she married Austin.

Damn, I guess that’s the danger of poetic license going a certain way. If the show had made it gayer than what’s known for a fact, we’d celebrate it, but because of context, the other way around is, while still up to how people interpret things, going to be viewed unfavorably. 

I haven’t seen it yet but

if that actually is the case, it’s pretty sad to see degaying over the years. Even a century later, Whitney, and now this show made on the brink of 2020. I’ve heard some people did enjoy it even on a f/f level, though, so maybe it depends on what you take from it?

it’s not just that emily and sue don’t end up together it’s that once she meets her het romance she completely forgets about her feelings for susie until SPOILER he dies and by then it’s too late and the ending high key sucked. I didn’t expect them to be endgame or anything because obviously that’s not true to life but idk just the way it was handled made it come off as them adding their relationship in the first half of the show just so they can get brownie points for doing so

Oh, man, it definitely is not fun when you can tell what the writers were prioritizing (or weren’t, as the case seems to be), it makes for some disjointed character behavior. If that’s how it came across here, that’s pretty disappointing. 

I have a couple big problems with Dickinson and yes, one of them is the physicality between Sue and Emily is gone too soon, but like you said. She did end up with him. Sue seems more physically into Austin but more emotionally into Emily. Another problem I have is the fact that every other woman on the show are stereotypical and only serve the purpose to make Emily seem more progressive. Their treatment of race is like extremely heavy handed and done poorly, once agin to make Emily look good.

And another anon:

I finished all 10 Dickinson episodes. Spoiler Alert: Towards the last 3 episodes I don’t even think Sue and Emily can even be considered romantic anymore. Sue gets very enamored with Austin. Go in with the right expectations. Sue/Emily are not physically involved after episode 3. 

Thanks for the warnings, anons. I still haven’t watched it and well, perhaps I’m less inclined to work hard to catch up instead of basking in that lovely season of Atypical. 

I do get the issue people are having where, while yes, of course we know real life, it’s up to the writers where to focus and they could have expanded an Emily/Susan time into a season (of just 10 eps at that) instead of I guess…not? Like Gentleman Jack showed, when you compare it to other media that focuses on Mariana Belcombe and kind of relegates Ann Walker to a footnote, even when it’s based on real people, a lot depends on what you choose to show, when. 

Obviously they don’t have to make shows to please specifically us, but I understand why some people have lost interest. I’ll still check it out for its own sake, I thought it was supposed to be fun and funny and weird, but probably not immediately.

Dickinson SPOILER: Content does NOT deliver after the first two episodes. Beware of watching. Super het, supposedly epic Sue/Emily romance fizzles out to nothing immediately after Ep 2. They both ramp up with separate love interests. So disappointed and confused.

Oh, I mean, well, we know what happens in real life. But yeah, given that they could focus on whatever they wanted in this short early time in their youth, I see. I don’t mind het content on principle and I don’t really see how I could mind what happens in their actual lives, but it does feel a bit bait and switchy for the rest of this season given the promo focusing on those early eps.

SPOILER ALERT. I had the opportunity to see an advanced screening of two episodes of Dickinson and it in my opinion fully delivers with content.

Ooh, fancy! And awesome, that’s great to hear. I’m still torn between which show to focus on first, so much is being released tomorrow, but I think it’s gonna have to be Dickinson and Atypical first. 

Does anyone know if it’s going to be all of Dickinson or just the first three eps? Seeing different things in different places.

For that other anon who asked if Dickinson is gonna be gay, it’s already confirmed that Emily and Sue kiss in i think the first episode.

Ah, thanks! There you go, other anon.

Not a big deal, since I’m going to be using the spoiler tag anyway, but just to be on the safe side, maybe in future preface the ask with “Spoiler!” or something like that? I know it’s a gray area even with my gifsets, because even when I tag with spoilers, how do people know to tag if that’s the first time they’re seeing it, I get the difficulty. But you know, it’s at least better to include the option if it’s available. 🙂