I loved itttttt. It was so good, so thoughtful! I loved all her answers, but two in particular, one about how the reveal about April’s sexuality wouldn’t suddenly make her a different (better) person, she was exactly who she was before, we just now knew she was gay.
And the other answer with all her little headcanons of their earlier interactions and April being the one to kind of wake up to something in Sterling throughout too! I actually really love that interpretation, that it wasn’t some longstanding crush forever OR just happened suddenly in the moment of the kiss, but was happening during the same time we saw Sterling start her journey of exploring her sexuality in ep 1. I love getting these kinds of BTS insights into characters, especially one as closed off and complex as April.
And even if these were things Devon discussed with Kathleen Jordan, the way she shows how she understood it is and is able to express it in an interview, pinpointing all these different moments, shows how much she’s made it her own.