I think we never discussed the scene between Juliana and Beltran after they rescue her. That scene in the bed. Sometimes Beltran looked nice…

I know! He was such a confusing damn character, I thought he was on his way to redemption, and then he’d do something so horrible. Post-kidnap he seemed like he’d turned over a new leaf, he seemed to genuinely care for Juls and while I question the necessity of telling her why exactly he’d been horrible to her as Chino “Your mom cheated on me and I didn’t think you were my kid”, not a single part of which is okay, maybe having an actual tangible reason was valuable to Juls, to know that it wasn’t her fault, to know why. And he really did seem like he wanted to be in her life and in a good way. 

I feel like the writers wanted to show two different things with him, his natural charm at times, why Lupe stayed with him all those years, and this his specific journey as Beltran, how he was learning to care for Juls through caring for his other kid (who was also not “his”), some steps forward, some back, but man, his steps back were SO huge. 

As much as I like Panchito, I can’t get over the fact that he has his own family. It is his family right? He’s got a wife and kids?

Yep, he does. 

I think…this series is not really one where you’re meant to judge the characters like that. Except for Johnny and Servando, who the show wants you to hate, they’re all kind of sympathetic or likable in one way or another. Even Alacran gets his goofy moments with Eva.

Panchito gets called out on it in the show, but beyond that, it’s not like the audience wants him staying with a woman he doesn’t love either. It’s not necessarily about things being excused or justified, it’s just a lack of judgment overall. 

Even Sergio, who I personally still hate, gets a much kinder framing in the cultural context in which the show exists than the one I apply (and I can also admit that I don’t love him for his involvement in Juliantina). That’s a whole different discussion, how our background influences how we see things, compared to how they’re written to be seen by their target audience. There are different lens to look at this through, and they’re all understandable.

It’s not like I have to like Sergio or you have to like Panchito, it’s just not that big a deal in the show. Hell, look at freaking Lucho and the hero’s sendoff he got, even when his penultimate action in the show was to break Sergio’s confidence and go off and tell Val about Sergio and Juls, in a scheming manipulative way the general audience would have recognized.

And another anon:

Am I the only one who still kind of wants to slap Lupe?? Liiiike lady u didn’t notice how much Val loved your daughter Before she got kidnapped?? Val legit hooked y’all up with a nice, safe place to live??? She supported your daughter while you were in the hospital, risking her own safety??? She makes Juls smile in a way that she rarely gets to Bc of urs and chinos shit!! Damn Lupe!! But then I’m happy she turned it around Bc it’s what Juls deserves.

I wanted to answer the ask above first because I think that same reasoning applies here. The show and its writing are pretty lenient on most characters. All your valid points aside, Lupe especially was serving a specific storytelling purpose, a loving parent getting over her homophobia because it’s the loving, right thing to do, and that’s that. We can spend our time continuing to hold a grudge against or just shrug and move on. I should probably do that with Sergio too, he had an even more specific purpose to serve (but we’ll see how successful I am at that, lol).

And another anon:

do we like el chino/beltrán? i mean clearly he does love Juls but like he really treated her and Lupe like shit in the past. also is he actually nice to Beltrán’s kid? i saw a scene of home feeding him soup and he seemed oddly fatherly..

Pulling up another older question to answer now because it fits with the theme. You asked this before his recent attack on Lupe but the thing is, I don’t really think even that’s really changed anything. He literally freaking attempted to rape her and yet, within the show, the way he apologized before leaving and then how we see him talking to Barbara about it, there’s still mostly likely an incoming redemption on the cards and we’re supposed to want it. 

I really didn’t like his character regression when watching, but presumably the purpose of THAT was to have Lupe finally get over him as the culmination of her longer arc, she’s been fruitlessly chasing after him for the whole show, and also to get them to move from the house.

Do we like him? That’s up to you. As I said above about Sergio, how Beltran’s intended to be read as a character is pretty different from how some of us will. We’re used to regarding rape attempts as goddamn inexcusable, but within the show, it might just get skimmed over. And with these kinds of issues it’s really hard to say, oh, well, it’s just a difference of culture. But the important thing to understand is even if you do think a certain framing is harmful and that it’s not “just a TV show”, who and where and how you target your frustration is important. The general audience for this show are the people who live with those attitudes and suffer from them the most. So while the default behavior is now to cancel him, I’m not going to judge people who continue to want to be okay with him or who still want him and Juls to be in an okay place, even if just for Juls’s sake.

I am kind of hoping that Camilo Jacobo juls and Val will actually sit down and talk like what they said they would. I kind of want juls and Val to reconnect with there fathers that I think that one or both will die but I don’t think they will be able to do this that they are looking for Leon body I wonder if Beltran is in that body

Yeah, I really wish they’d get to have a measured conversation and process it all, but it’ll probably come out in the middle of some drama.

It could be Beltran in Leon’s body, I wonder if that makes it more likely that they’ll return to their original and maybe one or more will survive? I’d always assumed Leon would die because he simply doesn’t belong, Jacobo isn’t him, but….

And another anon:

Wait did they told already why Leon’s soul is in el chino’s body? Is for juliantina? I don’t get another connection between them that Juliana and valentina

I haven’t seen any explanation for why these specific men are connected this way. Unless it’s to bring their daughters together, lol.

And another anon:

Hello, just started to watch Amar a muerte, knowing that El Chino and Leon connects everything (and also Juliantina), I was just wondering what is the professor connection to all this?? Why is his body chosen for El Chino’s spirit? It would be much appreciated if you could enlighten me on this, thanks 🙂

Not really sure, it all seems random that these three men were selected. 

And another anon:

What is the connection between Leon and el chino? Why them? Is because of juliantina? Something about Camilo’s speech got lost because that dumb of Valentina didn’t let me pay attention with her gayness. Hajjaj

You got me, heh, I didn’t realize this was a question people had so much curiosity about. 

I dont know if Eva will get killed now bc she’s pregnant. Im thinking her pregancy might somehow change her. im hoping she turns it around in the end. Mateo will most likely be gone – it’ll be Eva’s fault. I think Beltran -Chino- will somehow lose his life saving someone. (i hope it’s Juliana .. she deserves a good dad move to make up for her awful life) . I think that’s it for my predictions. lol

I don’t love the trope of people being changed by pregnancies/kids and I don’t know if we have enough time for that, but you might be onto something. I was just saying that while Val and Guille have specific things in their lives they’re aiming for, Eva hasn’t had anything, this might be it. The baby and/or Mateo’s death will probably affect her severely, we’ll just have to see what happens to her after that. And you also make another good point, they might be less likely to kill a pregnant woman.

All your predictions seem pretty likely, actually. But if Beltran has to save Juls, that means she’s in a situation she needs to be saved from. D:

I dont think chinos body is going to survive the end of the show, he’s being chased by criminals but also chased by the police, I think el chino is going to stay in Beltran’s body or sacrifice himself for his family, which family is it will remain to be seen lol.

It better be for freaking Lupe and Juls! After everything he put them through. Hmph.

And another anon:

so is the story that Juls told Vale to put her to sleep fake? cause El Chino definitely wouldn’t have done something like that. did she just come up with that on the spot? damn she is a good storyteller

She is, to think of it up on the spot, not that it was a particularly inventive, elaborate story on its own, but that it was perfect for what Val would want to hear in that moment, a soothing cute story with her father. Y’all have convinced me, it’s probably not real…

And another anon, five seconds ago:

Wait Juls came out to her mom?? When??

No, no, I meant that people are focusing on Lupe as the only person Juls has to deal with when coming out. And yeah, really, she is the only person who matters to Juls, but there has to be a moment when Chino finds out, surely? And despite everything, I’m betting his opinion still matters to her.

ETA: And no, Juls hasn’t come out to Lupe yet.

My doubts that Juliana was not Chino’s daughter is over. Panchito said that Lupe and him never actually did more than kissing back in their younger years

Oh, right, that little mystery had been percolating for a bit. It does help to know for sure, now, since the whole father-daughter thing is going to be huge in the next weeks for both our girls.

Makes his treatment of her even worse, not that wasn’t terrible already, but that even that little thing is some made up offense in his mind. I wonder how it’ll affect future storylines, in that, will they get a chance to have a real father-daughter talk and sort out some things? I don’t really expect Chino to survive the show but I really have no idea what will happen. And while we’ve all talked about Lupe’s POTENTIAL reaction to Juls coming out, what will Chino?

Hey I have a very important question! That night when Val couldn’t sleep and Juls told her a story on the phone about when she was a kid? She said her dad was super sweet with her and all. Since she lied about him being an electrician too I was wondering what you thought about that story since I don’t think “El Chino” would be that kinda guy. It’s been bugging me to know if she made that story up just for Val or not

And another ask:

Do you think the story Juls told Val when they were on the phone and Val couldn’t sleep was true? About the best day ever with her dad? Bc I can’t imagine Chino el sicario doing that. But then we see Chino in Beltran’s body playing with Beltran’s son and i wonder…

My original reaction was to believe her, that it was in fact one of the only sweet moments in her life with a man she did not have many with and remembered for that reason alone, but I’m a gullible dumbass so I don’t really know.

We know Chino sucks but is capable of some acts of decency.

On the one hand, I’m like, she could have just told any number of true stories with Lupe, if she was going to make up something, wouldn’t it be better? But on the other, maybe she doesn’t have many better stories with Lupe or didn’t want to give up anything too personal. 

Either way, it’s sad as hell. One of the many plots coming up has to be Juls finding out who Beltran is and talking things through with him, maybe we’ll see more details of her childhood.