I wasn’t sure whether to bring this up but you can ignore this or post if you also think people should know this. Unfortunately I saw a queer autistic person posting that Atypical is funded by Autism Speaks, which is a ‘charity’ that speaks FOR autistic people, but they are NOT autistic people so are considered a hate group by actually autistic people. They weren’t a fan of Atypical but also it was suggested watching it not on Netflix to not support AS? Maybe ppl watch the sl on vids anyway Idk.

Heh, over the last couple of days I’d spent more time answering asks than I’d intended, usually I try to balance my “productive” Tumblr time between gifs and asks, so I ended up finishing some some almost completed gifsets and posting them. I was going to try to focus more on giffing today after answering some brief asks but then this arrived and I definitely didn’t want to leave it lying there.

First, thanks for telling me! I always like to be more informed than less.

Second, we both know that my opinion isn’t worth much here, this isn’t my issue to speak on, so my role is more to simply raise awareness, pass on info. In trying to balance that and the fact that this is my blog and thus I get at least that much say, I just wanna say a few things:

In wanting to pass on info here, I wanted to find a source to link for the claim “Atypical is funded by Autism Speaks”. That I couldn’t doesn’t mean that it’s not true, I’m just saying that I personally couldn’t find anything and I’d urge people to look into it themselves. I found this tumblr post which also could not find anything BUT, my point is not to say, “Hey, this person from the relevant group is giving us permission!”, I’m just saying it does seem to be difficult to find info connecting them. Autism Speaks has positive reviews and articles on the show on their website and spokespeople have commented favorably on it in news articles but it’s hard to find anything beyond that.

Now, again, people can make whatever choice they want on this, I’m just talking about my own approach on this, but as a person who gets fairly little rep, much of it bad, as a Muslim, as a lesbian, as a desi, as all three of those at once, my stance is not to judge people for continuing to watch something that hurt me. There’ve been a lot of shows that’ve done us wrong over the years, many that I’ve quit, many that I’ve been furious at and wish they HAD gotten cancelled but as much as I might judge people’s tastes for still watching them, I’m not judging them.

I also tend to think better of shows that try and listen and improve. Seeing these criticisms now, when I just finished watching Sam as the sweet boy from s3 who goes through a lot of pretty universal issues and succeeds, maybe the show did take in what people were saying and apply it?

All of this which means basically nothing, lol, as I said up front. It’s not up to me to absolve or give permission on this. One could say my reasoning works out pretty conveniently where I still get to watch and and enjoy what I wanted, the f/f. So, I’m publishing the ask, posting my thoughts, and uh, everyone is free to do what they want with that.

You know what I need? Izzie’s backstory. To know more about her home life and her mother and just… well… Izzie in general lol I want to actually know why she’s messy™️

Definitely! I was talking to a friend about this season and she mentioned being surprised at how much of a separate arc Paige got, I think if there’s a season 4, Izzie’s family storyline is being set up to offer something similar. It’d probably go hand in hand with them getting serious about college and running, with things like UCLA possibly only interested in Casey offering some good conflict.

You know? I’d been dreaming for years of an show that shows a wlw where there’s a guy involved and is not a total douche. Ethan was that for me

I’ve seen some nice dude third parties over the years, but other than actually helping to validate the f/f ship because that choice isn’t based on the other option being freaking terrible, it’s not really something I pay much attention to. 

Do you mean in the sense that it’s just nice to be able to see someone who, despite their hurt, understands the situation and bows out gracefully, instead of being gross and terrible? That does make for more pleasant watching, it can be almost scary anticipating the reaction when it’s some men. Or is it that IF a guy has to be involved, at least it’s a good person? If you have to watch a love triangle being drawn out, you can understand why she’s with him?

You know, I’ve seen some people say they find it harder to root for the f/f ship when the guy is this nice, but that’s so irrelevant to me? I don’t ship based on the guy or relationship being horrible, I just like the other couple more. It’s not as if sucky dudes deserve being cheated on either. And like I said before, nice men ensure that the f/f ship isn’t about getting away from a person or situation. Actually, people have even said they don’t like that Evan is getting this perfect guy portrayal while Izzie is so messy, but like, how much does that highlight how into her Casey is that she’s still choosing her despite that? I really, really loved that when Izzie AGAIN blew her off and messed up, Casey’s reaction was to mope with Sharice and be like, damn, I’m pining (present tense!) after this hot and cold mess of a person, still focused on her, and no thought of Evan, which, that’s when you’d expect it in many shows. I like that even with this clear contrast, Casey’s made and repeatedly making the choice to be with Izzie.