okay so for big sky i think they’ll just move on to finding Ronald bc he’s driven off right? cassie and the blonde lady (i always forget her name) don’t know about him but the girls know he’s the one that kidnapped them. they were right with the trucker angle but bc Ronald doesn’t have a record they didn’t find him. i think we’re good with the girls now (at least i hope, i’m so done with the kidnapping plot) and the blonde lady is right behind Cassie arriving at the bar. i can see them having something with the traffickers but they didn’t make a huge deal about them, there wasn’t a voice on the other end of the phone indicating they didn’t cast anyone for that role. i feel like the traffickers will see either Cassies car or ricks body and leg it.

Yeahhh, but I dunno if finding RONALD would take half a season? You do make good points about there not being any other reference to the traffickers and they did highlight that Jenny (blonde lady) was on her way. But that could still mean she’s arrives too late or to sees them take all the now four victims, but then I also don’t think that situation could last for long, Cassie trying to free herself and the girls is something I don’t see going on for more than an ep. It seems more likely there’ll be a bigger pivot. 

Well, maybe the traffickers become the new case they work on? But given this is a series of books, that seems…unlikely, unless this is just super loosely based on them. Well, I guess they do still have to find Cody’s body? I dunno, heh, this is probably more speculation than is really deserved.

Yeah, the way they framed that final scene, it sure seemed like it was setting up to have someone knock her out from behind. I will be annoyed if in the first five minutes of the next ep next year, she rescues the girls… and then the traffickers show up and recapture them. But yeah, I don’t know what the plot will be if she does rescue them, but neither do I want she and them to just be captured again.

Exactly, exactly! I dunno what the books did and I’m sure they’re not following too closely anyway, so it’s not even like we can look there. I just don’t want Cassie to also be knocked out, that’d just be such a drag, the whole draw is her as a PI. And at this stage, another way the girls almost got out, I’d be so mad.

I wonder where they’re going to go now with Big Sky. I was on EDGE thinking the worst snd then the easiest thing happened but this show… I’m scared.

I know! After everything I said yesterday, I totally got that wrong. I don’t think Ronald’s gonna come up behind Cassie and take her hostage, so then…are the three saved? And he’ll be taken into custody? I dunno what they have to spend the whole second half of their initial season on? Unless…entirely new case? But they’re not gonna abandon these girls or Ronald or Legarski’s wife, so. Oh, maybe the trafficking…customers they were expecting will arrive? But again, will the show really put Cassie in a situation she’ll need to be saved from?

BIG SKY yes!!!! I was so worried when watching the first episode I was like “ladies you are fighting over THAT guy????” but then thankfully that was fixed by the end of the episode lol (flashbacks are a little cringe for me. She’s too young bro!) Anyways, I hope cassie x jenny continue to investigate together instead of separately like they had been, those two are the reason I decided to start watching!!

I know! Like, sure, Ryan Philippe and all, but within the show he seemed kind of a mess. I absolutely did not expect the end but I was a whole lot more interested in the show after. The flashbacks they choose are so random and like, I mean, not to be judgy but so corny and dreamy. Maybe that’s the intention, that they were just a fantasy? 

And yes, definitely, more Cassie and Jenny teaming up.

And another anon:

the big sky women getting together would complete the love triangle they have going on. wait does it count as a love triangle if [spoiler] is dead? either way they should find the girls and find each other along the way.

sidenote, am i the only one who’s like kids sick of the kidnapping plot now? i feel like they should have let Grace get away and then instead of finding the fisher guy and getting shot we have like an episode of her finding her way to town before collapsing on like cassies doorstep and they have to wait for her to recover before they can figure out where the other girls are.

Lol, indeed, I dunno if it’s a true Korrasaming when the uh, [redacted] is dead but it should count!

Um, well, while I very much want the kidnapped girls to be safe and was upset Grace was caught again, it is the whole premise of the season, right, once that’s over what’s left? Your suggestion isn’t bad, though, where she still manages to escape…but I guess they want the sisters together for now. 

I AM curious, though, I heard that they’d received an additional back order for some more eps for this season, so then…what are the existing eps up to? Surely if there’s a plot that needs to fully be decided and planned out, it’s this one? Were they originally just half rescued and it was going to end on a cliffhanger? Were they rescued and the additional eps handle the aftermath? Cassie and Jenny aren’t gonna start a new case in just six eps, right, so I dunno.

And another anon:

i’m really enjoying big sky thank you for giffing it!!!! 

Ah, thanks, no problem!

i felt like i was the only one watching big sky!!! the second cassie and jenny started arguing i was like dump the dude and makeout already!!!! the show is hard to take 70% of the time(when the cop said some women have outward facing ‘thingamagoos’ lol)but im enjoying it for what it is. i don’t think they’ll go there but i really hope they do

Haha, right, pull a Korrasami, please, but uh, I guess certain things were taken care of already. It IS tough to watch at times and just kind of…sillier than I think it was maybe written to be, but mostly I’m just scared for the three girls in the box and THEN I hope these two hook up. I also don’t think they’ll go there but they miiight.