Didn’t even catch that it was Tony Hawk! How funny! The finale was my favorite episodes of a show in a while, they wrapped stuff up while leaving room for another season. It was perfect. That scene of them just talking and joking around, especially Indigo and Janae teasing Camille about her crush was hilarious. And of course Honeybear’s video!! The sweetest thing ever. I love that we have black girls just chilling and living normal, it’s such a nice show, especially right now.

Lol, yeah, I was like, what’s the significance of this guy, is that–is that?? And then had to look up what he looks like now and make sure it was him. Such a cute cameo to have.

It was a super fun ep! Just really easy and fun watching, even while finishing off those storylines, some which could have been so grim. The way they wrote that guy, Janay’s ex, so manipulative and nice guy-y, they did so well!

And I LOVED that scene where they were just chilling, I almost wondered if it was half improv and just the actresses chilling and having fun. The way Indigo knocked off Camille, lol, even though that was in the trailer, I cracked up again, it was just so natural.

Honeybear’s video was adorable! And Ash reacting to it, dawww. It was all so nicely balanced, weaving in and out between everyone’s storylines and showing different dynamics (and I love that Yvette returned and was part of the group) and then doing the big final skate, which Kirt hilariously had to miss because of the dooring, lol. And I was thinking that too, that it’s nice to see so many black girls included, since they often are excluded in this kind of thing if it’s not About Black Women, even when stuff’s set in NYC and like, they should definitely be there, and obviously, given the times, it was a great hopeful relaxing ending.

I hope they get a second season but I don’t envy people trying to write shows post-2020. Like, how do you include and address…everything. Hopefully we enter a fundamentally different country–a different world in 2021.

I love Betty! It doesn’t seem to take itself so seriously and it reminds me of my friends, only we rollerskate instead of skateboarding. I also really like how calm it is despite everything like they tackle issues without it feeling like a lesson you know? And Honeybear is adorable, I totally get her little freakout with Ash.

Yeah! I was watching the latest ep and thinking I keep describing this as laid back and relaxed, but even aside from the sexism baked into the premise, skater girls dealing with how male-dominated skateboarding is, it’s covering metoo, sexuality, drug dealing, and oh, white people having it easier with cops than black people, heavy topics. I guess it’s just that the show makes it seem like they’ll all come through and survive, their bodies and futures and friendships intact.

And aww, that seems really chill, you and your friends. Enjoy it! :p

Oof, Honeybear. Immediately, even as I felt bad for Ash, I felt bad for Honeybear, that kind of freakout is never easy on the person having it, but I hope she’s able to deal with it, even if Ash herself is out of the picture.

Girl you got me into the skate kitchen girls! Sad Rachelle is straight and dating someone that looks like her brother but ig they cute

And same anon(?):

Girl yes keep up with the Betty edits, do what you’re liking rn

Omg, anon, I had no idea who she was dating and had to look them up and I can really see what you mean, but it’s the glasses, right.

And wow, I haven’t watched Skate Kitchen or got into anything past Betty yet so you’ve got that on me. Although, while I’ll definitely try to gif Betty weekly, it doesn’t really lend itself to the easy bitesize giffable scenes, it’s such a loose meandering show. Super easy to watch, less so to gif. Unless you have any requests, I guess.