So I started watching Filthy Rich and I got up to episode 9 and I know there’s one more episode left but I’m confused? What was the point of putting Becky and Ginger together if they were just gonna break up in the next ep? Like if it was hust for the divorce then why have that convo about how they wanted to give their relationship a shot? Like th divorce is the only way the show has been affected so far so I’m just very confused.

And another anon:

I’m all confused as why they were gonna have them together Becky and Ginger to break them up so quick?

I know! It’s just so weird narratively?? They didn’t need to do that if they didn’t want to, it barely had any impact on the rest of the show. Now I’m not even sure why Becky is a character that exists at all, for all the effect on the show she’s had? Unless she’s going to take up Paul’s mantle, but even so, what does this all have to do with Becky/Ginger and why have the convo they did in 1×08…I don’t know… Ugh, it’s so much harder to deal with badly written drama than effectively written but devastating angst.

re: Filthy Rich and that scene with Becky and Ginger in the hospital umm wtf was that?? I stopped watching the ep after that scene so disregard this message if they have another but just going into the episode it felt like there was so much missing? like with the chaos that episode 8 ended with, I thought that ep 9 would pick right off but a lot of it (at least the plane ride to NY, finding out the guy was dead, finding out the kid was kidnapped, Becky’s injury) was resolved off-screen

Yeah, it felt like they’d milk it more where they left it but I get it, they only had so much time and clearly certain things can be assumed to have happened without any confusion, why waste time with them. 

But the conversation (and it was just the one) was pretty random, how was Ginger out of the picture to begin with? And Becky’s weird zen thing… And what did wrong place mean? Like, who Ginger is as a person? As a woman? As anybody at all when she wants to focus on her baby? Not sure what we’re supposed to take from that… It really does flip on a dime on this show, as it kind of felt like with Ginger last ep. I guess we just hope for something in the finale.

So with Filthy Rich, do you think 1. Becky will live 2. That once Ginger hears what happened shes flying straight away back to NO 3. Who Ginger is gonna be sadder/worried about, the dead reporter or Becky 4. Do you think Ginger will tell Eric about them if Becky is super hurt because everyone will be questioning why shed want to see her

Oh, wow, I sure hope Becky lives?? I think she will, her role gives so much drama and there’s so much left for her to provide? Much more than if she dies, then it’ll be simply a matter of Eric getting the baby, there’s no custody war or mystery to it. Like Luke’s death now brings up the question who did it, what will the next steps be about his story, etc. Becky dying in childbirth brought on by a guy we already know is bad…less drama. I’m not gonna rule it out but it’s not a big fear for me.

2. I….this is where I can never tell, because I always downplay how important f/f stories are to the main plot because that’s just how it is, even here, despite involving two central characters, the Becky/Ginger relationship has hardly made any ripples in the rest of the show, except the divorce. So in that sense, I wouldn’t expect Ginger’s plot in the next ep to revolve around Becky. Buuut, I mean, I didn’t expect even this much so maybe I’m underestimating this show? And in a general sense, I would actually be surprised if everyone’s plot didn’t revolve around Becky a bit, that is a Monreaux next generation heir, so Margaret and Eugene’s grandchild, and most other characters’ nibling (even Ginger’s). Jesus is most of that too but the same guy who took him hurt Becky so again that’s connected. 

3. I think she’ll be pretty sad about Luke since she’s really the only character who knew and liked him and can only openly mourn, but I’m hoping for some scenes where she’s thinking about or even going to meet Becky.

4. Ummm, hmm. That DOES seem like a juicy reveal the show won’t miss so I’m not sure if they’ll do it this ep or next, but I dunno, really, the show’s subverted a bunch of my expectations. I don’t think Eric would be surprised or need an explanation if Ginger goes to see Becky, it’ll probably be expected that most of the family would go at some point. 

A lot of questions, lol, anon, about a show that tbh I’ve mostly been content to watch from and hope for the best when it comes to the f/f. I’m still thinking about Becky’s death, now that you’ve put the thought into my head…and wondering if that unexpected shift from Ginger to be interested in pursuing a relationship is to set up a tragic twist…but let’s freaking hope not! I’d be pretty angry at the show for that.

Do you think becky actually likes ginger or is just using her? I feel like its a mix but it might just be me?

Using her in what sense? I myself am not ruling Becky out as a potential baddie because of the genre, but in terms of what we’ve seen on screen so far, I haven’t seen anything at all that points to Becky using Ginger. If the twist comes, it’ll very much come out of the blue.

Becky’s story so far has been a pretty classic case of specifically religious gay panic and the back and forth that comes with it. If anything, until yesterday’s ep, it really felt like she was way more into Ginger than vice versa?

The thing is, there’s nothing really to be gained by trying anything with Ginger? Staying married to Evan gave her much more and for all she knew, Ginger wasn’t into any kind of monogamous relationship. But she’s literally just asked for a divorce anyway, and being very hot/cold with Ginger. If that’s a scheme, she’s a true mastermind. Plus, we’ve seen scenes without Ginger, not just the recap mentions but like when she went to Paul in ep 1×06, that wasn’t for Ginger’s benefit. So far she seems pretty sincere to me in everything we’ve seen of her.