Hee, right! What a fake out early on, you just thought it was the show setting up this world and she was like, the Mandy Moore character in Saved!.
Although, kind of really sad in hindsight, too, she really went to hide in plain sight, huh.
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Hee, right! What a fake out early on, you just thought it was the show setting up this world and she was like, the Mandy Moore character in Saved!.
Although, kind of really sad in hindsight, too, she really went to hide in plain sight, huh.
Oh, absolutely, she went into panic mode and it’s so understandable. Her first thought would be that he knows and is either hinting at it so she stops on her own or is going to draw it out, because really, why else would he bring them up? Of course there are other rational explanations–even aside from Sterling being one of the bounty hunters that caught him, maybe one of his church friends brought them up, everyone likes the Wesley twins–but none of them particularly likely and you know how it is when you’re a closeted gay in a homophobic environment, you become paranoid at everything, looking too long at women, avoiding looking at them, how you dress, how you interact with girls, how you interact with boys, what your hobbies are. She is absolutely correct to worry about herself.
Of course that doesn’t give her free rein to hurt other people and she did need to apologize to Sterling about how she handled it without talking to her first and they both might end up hurting Luke some more, but it really is a situation with no good answer.
Lmao, the accuracy! She’s so intense and gay, I can absolutely see a younger version doing that, among her many gay, intense exploits.