we been asking for a trope-filled, well-acted, lots-of-heart, happy ending same sex romantic drama for years. And Summerland delievered. (I would say Carol kinda did too, but the stakes seemed higher on this one, and this is a more diverse cast so, this wins)

I mean, are we asking for just one? 😛 Though yes, this does tick a lot of those checkboxes that maybe others didn’t, especially that incredibly, unequivocally happy ending. 

But I wouldn’t necessarily compare it to other movies, especially as a competition. One could also say that Carol and The Handmaiden (the other movie that tends to be mentioned in the same list) focus much more on the actual couple (aside from being considered technically better films) but surely we deserve OODLES more now that Hollywood’s finally actually starting to make them. It’s kind of funny how last year had seemed like such a banner year for historical f/f and then pretty much all of it was bad-end, though of course one of those was the very well received Portrait. Not every movie has to appeal to everyone, but the point is to have enough that everyone gets at least one. Or preferably more than one.