Juliana is a strong character; a very strong personality and having sex with Sergio is something that a weak character do. At least I’m gonna focus on that and not in some rumors that are not spoilers

Ah, I wouldn’t think of it like that. They’re not meant to be measured like that, this is a weak thing, this is a wrong thing. It just means that’s where she is in that moment, and it’s something the writers have included for a reason. We don’t like those reasons, and I suspect if it happens here, we still won’t, but it’s not an indictment of her character. 

You could say it’s a moment of weakness, but it doesn’t define her whole character. We’ve been marveling at how strong she is with her mother because it’s so rare to see, for a reason, mothers and family and society influence us, it would be superhuman for someone to not be affected at all. But here’s hoping it’s a moot point and it doesn’t happen, of course.

And another anon:

Hey! I see that you reply to questions. Just my thoughts here, when jul’s mum said a normal relationship is one that’s between a man and woman and that she has never had a boyfriend before, she looked away and did not reply, I have a feeling that she was recalling of what she saw in val’s house with val and lucho together and not actually about thinking of herself having any possibility with a man.

Hi! Yes, if there can be one thing said about me…I do reply to questions.

That’s actually a pretty good insight, it might be exactly that. Or both of them, all these obstacles they’re facing, she’s said it from the start, maybe we should take a break, maybe this is a sign we can’t do this. It would suck if Lupe gets in her head enough to make her think, well, maybe this is how it should be.

And another anon:

The one time Juliana manages enter the Carvajal mansion without being bothered or summoned she sees her love of many lives hugging the abusive ex that somehow has free passage in that house. Damn what a lucky day for her

Lol, yep. It’s going to be a terrible day for my girl. 

I do love “her love of many lives”, though. That’s a gorgeous thought.

And another anon:

I trust Maca & Barb for Juliantina. But after tonight’s episode, and as you said they’re following novela trope, doesn’t make it easier. I came home from work watching Juliantina for the past few weeks. Kinda my safe place with twist of angst. Today was particularly difficult day for me & watching how they both couldn’t catch a break with one crazy thing after another made me kinda sad & a bit disappointed. I still have hope & believe in Juliantina. Just feeling tonight’s episode is a lot ??

Okay, so, this is my thing with most actresses and even writers. I trust them to be fundamentally decent people, but I don’t expect them to know or understand the issues we face. Does that make sense? I don’t think most mistakes are made out of malice or…an arrogant ignorance, I think many times people just don’t know better. This is a show where the main ship has a third guy in it for the whole time, they don’t see how things are different when it comes to us. So if something happens, two things can be true, the actors truly thinking things are okay and not trying to mislead us, and things not actually being okay to us.

I would perhaps take a step back, if the show starts to affect you. It’s been a hard lesson to learn but I think if 2016 has taught us one thing, it’s that we shouldn’t let any show or ship get such a hold on us. You don’t have to drop it or denounce it or stop watching, but some emotional distance might not hurt. Or, try to watch it and think of the writing in good faith, that even when things are going badly, these are still the people who gave us really great scenes and that the pain is just temporary.

Ahh I think you misunderstood my ask about Juls being 18. I was seeing a ton of people on twitter/tumblr wonder why Juls just left Val’s house and was screening her calls/texts and then deciding to go eat with Sergio had them annoyed with her. I just meant that when you’re 18 you aren’t the most mature about things and sometimes you just wanna stew in your feelings and I wanted people to give her a break on that. As for Sergio, I didn’t read that as a date at all.

Oh, I got it, and agree, it’s just, I don’t even think it’s necessary as a justification for what was not really very egregious behavior.

And another anon:

Do you think what Lupita said about her not being with a guy is going to push her into kissing sergio? It would make for juicy drama and angst, but also solidify the fact that yea, juls is in fact only attracted to women

Do I think it’d be in character for the Juls we’ve seen, who’s gone toe to toe with Lupe over this four times now and shut it down again and again? Not particularly. Do I rule it out of a TV show built on drama? Also, no. 

And another anon:

Hey there. I’m seeing some people saying Juls is gonna sleep with Sergio and I’m scared. You seem like a voice of reason, what do you think?

Well, see the answer above. I don’t really think I can offer you the comfort or reassurance you’re looking for. I don’t think it’ll happen and I really don’t think it should happen, not within the story they’ve been telling, where her mom incorrectly tells her she should do this but, you know. I don’t rule anything out. 

I would say to try to not let it affect you too much either way. I understand the place media has in a lot of our lives as one of our only outlets but if it happens, IF, it won’t be out of malice, it’s written for drama and what would be a misguided attempt to “teach” something. I don’t really think it will happen, though. It’s still going to be day time, the same day as today, when she gets kidnapped. That’s a lot to pack in, for her to react badly to it.

And another anon:

ok but juli lowkey calling lupe out for her crappy parental decisions! I’m living for it!! i want my girl to have some closure, can she just sit beltran and lupe down and yell at them. our girl deserves some apologies

God, she does. If there’s any justice, that’s one of the things the ending will deliver. 

On the one hand, it was great seeing her letting Lupe know how much she hated their family situation, but on the other hand, ouch, to hate it that much and to be able to acknowledge and put it out there, making it real. She’s got nothing right now, no family, no Val, no support in anything. If this had the resolution it deserved, along with Juliantina, there would also be Lupe apologizing for focusing on Chino to the detriment of Juls, but we’ll see.

And another anon:

ur typing essays with these asks every new ep that comes out ? can i just say i love how nice u are with everyone and that u give each answer it’s due time. u don’t have to reply to this i don’t wanna add to your “workload” haha, but love ur work ur the best xx

Awww, thank you! This is the easiest one to answer. 😛 Mwah. ^_^

I feel like people watching this show sometimes forget Juliana is only 18. Straight up, every single adult on this show has said she’s no good for Val, it’s dangerous for Val to be around her and the most influential person in her life said tonight that she wasn’t normal. That messes with you when you’re as young as she is and you’ve never been in a relationship. I need folks to give my girl a break.

All right, let’s do this!

I don’t even feel like her age needs to be brought up, people on this show do far dumber things while being like twice or…thrice her age, Leon. What exactly was her big mistake that needs her age as justification? That she walked out and didn’t listen to Val’s explanation? I don’t love it, of course, they’ve been so direct and honest so far, but it’s not the worst thing a person can do. She essentially disowned herself, took three buses or whatever to visit, and Val’s with the guy who was trying to beat them up. Actually, even if he had been a perfectly nice guy, Juls is jealous. She’s plain jealous. It’s not about not giving Val a chance or not to explain, she’s just feeling insecure, for reasons we all know, and not wanting to hear it. She can take a bit of time to collect herself and come back to things later. 

And tbh, as you said, everyone telling her all that, I think a part of her is insecure enough to believe that Val might actually break things off and is preemptively the one to walk away first. 

And another anon:

I completely understand Juls leavin Vals house when she saw her with Lucho. Last time she saw lucho he was yelling at her and Val and being violent towards them because they were together, next thing he is telling Eva about them. She wouldn’t imagine Lucho would be with Val comforting her after everything he has done to Val. Which brings me to why Val was letting him be near her as well, cause he knows about Guille? That’s cheap. He’s done too much damage to her to be allowed being close to her

Oh, I didn’t anticipate this. I don’t at all blame Val for that, she’s gone through hell and her family continues to just leave her alone. Lucho’s a horrible person, always been a horrible person, but she’s always continued to see the best in people and as long as he’s just listening and offering comfort, she’s not really in a place to reject it. She’s just that desperate to be listened to and that forgiving a person that it can be him. 

And another anon:

Why is everyone worried about her “date” with sergio lmao if she was gonna go on a date it would’ve been when he asked her to get coffee and a hug. Like, ya’ll need to chill lmao

Those Sergio spoilers are finally coming home to roost, lol. I was prepared for a whole different set of asks, until the kidnapping in the promo. I guess people are wary because today seemed like the first time their storyline bowed to typical telenovela tropes. Juls walking in right then, then leaving and refusing to listen. 

And another anon:

Hi!! I’m clearly onboard with leave Juliana alone for one damn second (!!!!!!) but I just realized Valentina has to go through it all again too. You hurt one bb and you hurt them both. ???

Oh man, that’s true. Her PTSD with kidnapping and now Juls will be kidnapped, possibly while still mad at her. She’s going to be hurting too.

And another anon:

Val was literally like two steps behind Juls after the Val/lucho scene and they gunna tell us she didn’t catch up to her and stop her from leaving to explain herself????? Like was it cut off…wtf

Yeahhhh, this is one of those times I guess we have to suspend belief. I do think it was a bit contrived today, but still well within the bounds of consistent characterization. Juls could have simply been like, I don’t want to hear it, and Val could have let her go, understanding that she needed to cool off.