I don’t get why people are saying she murdered his ego. what does it have to do with him what she got what she wanted?

The way Lucho approached that conversation was him saying that until Juls took advantage of Val, Val was fine and happy with Lucho. That if it hadn’t been for Juls interfering, Val would be in love with and satisfied with Lucho. 

Val was basically saying, nope, it wasn’t her pursuing me and taking me from you, I went after her, implying how little she felt for Lucho.

Juls did tell vale she was in love with her already in that cafe scene after the car scene, but I read that specific perversion scene as vale realizing that yes, juls does still love vale even though they are broken up

And another anon:

I’m not sure about the other anon but Juliana did say I love you. She said I’m in love with you after the car scene. For Spanish is almost the same. Even better because I love you could be platonic, but the other is just romantic. Val is the one that didn’t said it. She said my love multiple times after lucho and Sergio left but that I remember she didn’t said it to Juls. Val react like that because she didn’t believe Lupe was gonna do that

@poppin-poblanopeppers​ said:

So just to clear up the different forms of love and whatnot that they’re said to each other: Valentina definitely told her that she cares about her, or loves her platonically with the “te quiero” scene in the hospital, then Juliana says “me encantas” which is like I like you/fancy you, so anon is totally correct in saying that they haven’t said I love you to one another. Theyve said that they’re in love with each other “estamos enamoradas” but it’s such a huge and POWERFUL thing to say “Te Amo”

Right, I did wonder about how the cafe scene compared, but I wasn’t sure of the degree of it. 

@dealanexmachina​ actually added a pretty great response to my original answer, where she brought up a different and also plausible theory: http://dealanexmachina.tumblr.com/post/182675246227/you-know-what-i-just-realized-that-juls-says

@pero-me-encantas said:

i wanted to write up some thoughts on this too, but haven’t had the time yet.  I think it is affirmation of the pact.  Bc. in Val’s mind, she broke the pact.  But here she hasn’t, even though she doesnt feel they can be together with everything going on.  Here is Juls not letting anyone come between their love.  And then she grabs her hand…el pacto.  🙂 .  Just my thoughts.

Aww, yeah, that’s true. Val’s probably in a pretty confused place at the moment, first the breakup, then Juls still calling up to check on her, then Juls possibly in cahoots with their driver, then she’s not, then more flirting and a kiss while still not together. But this is confirmation that Juls really does still have feelings for her, really strong feelings she’s willing to stand up to the only person in her life for.

you know what? I just realized that Juls says “love isn’t a perversion” and the face that Val does when she hears it. Like, even indirectly, Juls was saying that she loves Val and I don’t remember they saying they love each other before so… that’s some poetic shit

Ohhh, do you think so? @dealanexmachina and I were actually discussing the focus on Val in that moment.


It couldn’t be that she was freaked out by it on the heels of a pretty traumatic few days because she offered the handhold in support a second after. We theorized maybe it was the realization of why the breakup and what Juls is going through, since Juls had mentioned her mom’s reaction as one of the factors behind it. Or maybe it was just because it is still more Val’s story, Maca being fifth billed, higher even than Claudia, Eva’s actress.

But you have brought up an entirely new and feasible theory. I’ll state up front that I have no idea about the different words for love in Spanish, but you could be spot on. Especially if it’s a confirmation to Val that, yeah, even if they’ve broken up, Juls still feels very strongly about her. Hmmmmm. But it is super romantic, to come out like that.

I don’t know if you noticed but there was a bottle of mezcal on the coffee table in the scene whew Val is by the fireplace.

And another anon:

Okay but did you noticed the bottle? She was drinking again while thinking about her first kiss… poor girl she just wants her girl back

You know what, I actually hadn’t noticed it. There was just so much gay onscreen.

But it’s right there. I don’t know, I would think that if we were supposed to take note, it would be a little more prominent. But maybe not, maybe it’s just an ever-present background thing. I think it is an encouraging thing that she wasn’t actually drinking in the scene we saw, instead distracting herself with thoughts of Juls. Just like…earlier that day, right? she was still paranoid about the cartel and now her mind is full of something else.

Sergio! I think she’s going to ask him for help, and that’s why there’s a spoiler of him talking with Val about Juls

And another anon:

Juliana goes to Sergio, that is why Val & him confront each other. Val: but she is MY girlfriend. Sergio who only wanted to help: then take her jfc

So this theory goes with some of the other spoilers I’ve seen, though a little conflicting, but I’m not sure if that’s specifically going to come into play right now? So it’s still a little up in the air, although it seems likely.

And another anon:

What if the narcos finds Juliana on the street and use her to find el chino omg

Oh, we’re jumping straight to danger, anon. It’s a possibility, we can’t rule anything out, everything’s going to start coming together now. I hope it doesn’t happen, but that’s actually not a terrible guess, the Chino/Beltran/narcos plot has to be resolved.

And another anon:

I feel like Juls probably slept in the park where she met Val, she has a lot of fun happy memories with Val at the park, so I feel like that’s where she would’ve gone if she had no where else to sleep, for no other reason than to feel just a little bit close to Val even when she’s not there.

Now we’re going to emo territory, lol. You know, after they returned from Valle, I was wondering if they’d show Val acknowledge that Juls had just slept and woken next to her, maybe have her hug the pillow. I don’t know if this theory’s likely, but anything’s possible in this show.

And another anon:

Hear me out – What if Lupe goes to see Val to find Juliana. Val is worried that Juls is missing, and works with Lupe to find her. Lupe sees how much Val loves her daughter and starts the process of acceptance? 

Huh. I mean, they do need to kickstart the reconciliation in some way and we’re running out of eps. If there’s one thing the two of them have in common, it’s their love for Juls.

I’d say the Sergio theory is most likely given that there are existing spoilers for it, but who knows, really. It might be none of these.

Honestly? Both girls giving zero concessions, zero apology for their feelings, zero shame, despite the negative reactions in both their lives? And both negative reactions been framed as the wrong reaction in the narrative??? I love this song!!

If we had to see them keep on facing homophobia, I’m so glad it’s being handled like this. Treating the homophobes with frank disdain, like their opinions are just that stupid and unworthy of consideration. I was actually a little worried there might be some backsliding during moments of vulnerability but they’ve been so strong.

if Val finds out that juls is living on the street or something just because they’re ‘broken up’ and she didn’t know where else to go she’s gonna flip. val will never let that happen to her girl! even though they’re not technically together val will always want to keep juls safe

Seriously! Though let’s face it, Val would probably want to move her in even if Juls was living very comfortably on her own. 

But where did Juls go? And it’s raining and everything? Tsk.