Is this how straight people feel when their ship survives close encounters with death time after time? Because let me tell you, watching them both get out of such a violent situation unscathed will keep me hyped till next year! I guess narcos know better, they don’t let bald men hold guns near the gays lol

Lol, bald men with guns. Or just contrived, “edgy” writing.

I know this is a few days late and was in regards to the hostage situation and shootout but I’ve been thinking about our reactions to Val’s Thirst and isn’t that the rub of it? Straight people don’t feel our highs because it’s normal for them, they expect it. No way any of them would actually be worried for Jacobo or Lucia at this stage, for example. Yeah, it sucks we have to suffer years of deprivation to make the tiny gains feel like major victories, but they’ll never feel how we did at Korrasami, lol.

i haven’t watched the new clips but i can’t remember have juliana and mateo met before? does juliana know mateo was the one who helped during lupe’s kidnapping? and does mateo know juliana is the girl val was with? (i stan mateo for standing up against Eva’s homophobic sht) i just want them to be friends!! hahaha

They haven’t, not really. They saw each other at Guille’s party but I’m pretty sure neither really noticed each other, plus, Juls looked very different. I don’t think even Eva really recognized her, and they actually spoke. 

And since they don’t know the other by face, I don’t think they actually know each other’s name, even if Val talked to the other and said Mateo helped me or thanks for helping me with Juls.

And another anon:

I want Mateo to go check on Valentina and then mateo: “how’s Juliana?” Val: “we haven’t spoken” Mateo: “but…She was out there with me during the shoot off with the police. She didn’t come see you?” Val: ???‍♀️?❤️

I think literally all of us watching and seeing Mateo talking to the cops while Val was sitting in the back were screaming for something like that, but I don’t actually know if it’ll happen? On the one hand, surely there was a reason for the two to meet outside like that, but on the other, damn this central plot, while it’s great that we saw Juls show up (and prove to the viewers who didn’t see enough of her perspective) so worried, maybe it was to get her to see El Chino. I don’t know for how long it’ll be relevant that Juls was outside too, once the Jacobo connection comes out, even that might be cast under suspicion. 😡

So you ever stop and think that Televisa didnt think Juliantina would be a big deal but so many parts of their story is told with a delicate touch? Like i just want to know who said “lets have Juliana run around while shots are being fired and have some get shot RIGHT in front of her but do not have her get shot” and who said “ lets have Valentina answer the phone because she would risk it all for Juliana” like whoooo is responsible!?!?

Honestly, that’s all I can think about! Those are just the latest examples in a really long sequence of surprisingly great decisions.

I cannot stop wondering what went into making this and why it’s so different from all our other stories. What did they bring to this that almost all other creators have had such a hard time replicating? Especially for being a ship in an environment where it’s so new and where it as finished taping before it hit it big so there can be no question of changing the storyline in response to the attention?

They just really said, we’re going to make these two pivotal characters both women, and it’s not going to affect their place in the storyline, but it IS going to affect how their story is told. How rare is that? How often do we get that, if ever? There’s no doubt it’s so much gentler and kinder than so many other telenovela couples. They chose not to go with so many normal telenovela tropes, let alone all our terrible f/f ones. They want to talk? They talk things through. Val should break up with Lucho? She does. Silvina tells Juls she’s not good for Val? Juls straight up tells Val. 

I am just so curious how they did this. I did get a couple new followers because of this pairing but for those who’ve followed me for a while, I’ve seen soooo many f/f couples over the years and have developed a habit of looking at their treatment and what makes them effective. Central characters, woven into the main plot, screentime, interesting dynamic, chemistry, etc, etc. 

There’s a reason fandom tends to gravitate toward big subtext ships like Faberry, Supercorp, Swan Queen and why Clexa and Shoot took off as they did. People value the story as much as they do the romance. And yet, lol, looking at the treatment of most of our big canon ships, something goes wrong, right? The creators weren’t looking at things the way we were. 

Telenovela and soap ships are thriving right now because they’re to give screentime and focus that regular shows can’t, but they still hold the same biases and adherence to tropes everyone else does. Deaths and babies and the insertion of men? We still get those again and again. Is it an actual lack of research and context that’s worked out so well here? Did they not see how often drama’s injected into our stories through those tired old tropes? It’s one thing to say, we’re going to approach this differently and not be influenced by…every single thing we’ve learned in the world through society and culture, and then a whole ‘nother to actually do it. 

I suppose that’s why the tension is mounting in these last weeks through the fandom. The routine’s been perfect so far, just gotta stick that landing now.

I dont mean a time jump in the middle I mean val family keeping juls away from her for awhile then maybe juls moves away and then time jump when there are only a few episodes left. I dont know I just have a bad feeling that the show will keep them apart for a while

Well…that might not be so far off. As @dealanexmachina was pointing out to me, they hold all the answers about their fathers between them, so they kind of have to be kept apart until it’s time to move to the final stage.

And another anon:

Saw someone mention that there’s like 16-17 eps left, IF so, my guess is that everyone will spill the tea tomorrow and then we’ll spend next week dealing with it until Friday when something big is probably happening (it’s been the pattern so far) and that’ll leave us with 10 more eps 5 to deal with whatever happens on Friday and 5 to wrap everything up

Well, more like 23 but that’s not so far off. We’re heading into that part of a story three-quarters in when everything starts gathering for the final climax. 

And another anon:

Time jump?? No please they have to reunite first

I would hope they do? I mean, I’ve been wrong, a lot, but that was mostly when I was being pessimistic…

And another anon:

There cant be a timejump so soon right now. Jacobo link with Juls is just getting revealed, the narcos are probably gonna target him since he killed Armenta, theres a picture of him with Beltran. Many plots to untangle right now, a timejump would only make sense in the last 2/3 episodes after everything is resolved and they show how good things are with a timejump

Right, there just seems to be too much plot to cover to just stop it all. 

And another anon:

At the end of the episode did lupe tell Juliana that Jacobo is Leon. I can’t like Juliana is going to know that he’s Leon and Valentina is going to think he’s chino and everything was a setup. This is so much drama but also laughing just thinking of what will happen when they actually communicate with one another to figure everything out.

I don’t think Juliana will believe Lupe, there is a promo where she confronts Jacobo in his hospital bed about being El Chino. But maybe then he’s able to convince her? A lot rides on tomorrow, lol! But no way will they wrap up those revelations this quickly or even next week. 

Ughhh, they’re so damn in the middle of it all, they’re the connection between everything. The cartels, the families, the companies, the billionaire and the hitman. Once they figure everything out, that’s kind of it. So everything rides on them.