My favourite part of the elevator scene is that part where juls makes a move to fight the narco and val has to hold her back lol. Girl is definitely scrappy

Hah, that part. It almost makes me laugh now. What was she going to do? Take on this guy with a gun in an elevator?

Yes. Yes, she was going to. Val having to corral her, lol. 

Look at this moment, after she’s brained Beltran and she and Lupe are freaked OUT and like, warily backing away, scared of what he’ll do, this very second has Lupe holding out a calming hand and Juls STILL has this attitude.

The very epitome of the (ง’̀-‘́)ง emoji. She’s always so ready to fight! That narco, Chino, freaking Alacran, his men. She’d probably have challenged Servando if she’d been able to get into the house. Truly Val’s Prince Charming. ^_^

Tbh, that’s probably why she’s just so unequipped to deal with Val, someone who it’s just so easy to be with, where it’s not just a fight of some sort all the time. Even with Lupe, she is so frustrated with her sticking with Chino and doesn’t understand and questions her often. There’s none of that with Val. She keeps thinking the other shoe’ll drop and eyeing the exit and Val just keeps gently pulling her back. I live for the day when Juls realizes she can stop fighting.

With the scene on the elevator with the hitman. I don’t watch the whole show so I was a little confused. Was Juls moving away from him because he was being a lech or was it because she recognized him or both? And then how did Valentina know? From the look Juls gave her or…

I don’t think she recognized him, he wasn’t part of the uh, Texan chapter that originally harassed her and her mom, I think it was just him being a full creeper. And Val took her cues from that, I don’t think either realized until he started talking about Chino that it was one of those guys.

One thing I noticed in that elevator scene is that juls was so ready to fight the guy when he made that one comment I forget what he said exactly and val basically had to hold her back lol. She’s definitely fiesty, which I guess with everything she’s gone through makes sense. I want to see more of that juls.

She got mad when he pretended to be sympathetic about her mom’s “death” and asked how it happened, since she knew he was responsible. She’s so protective of her mom. Which, given she’s literally the only person Juls has, and perhaps has ever had, yeah, as you said, it makes sense. 

This thing with Val must be blowing her mind, especially who and what Val is. Oh, I did actually love her jumping in yesterday when Lucho attacked and then shouting at him to leave.


Loved that get outta here gesture.

But I dunno how much of confident/feisty Juls we’ll see again anytime soon. That move with Val re: the drinking kinda backfired. That’s probably the thing I hate most about the fight, what it’s going to do to Juls’s insecurities. Like yeah, she started off unsure but twice now, she’s said, hey, maybe we should take a break, and both times Val has very awesomely been like no way, this is the best thing in my life. But that last time, when bringing up the drinking and then throwing out wanting to leave…when has Val ever agreed about letting Juls go easily? Playfully and sometimes quite seriously, she constantly asks for Juls to stay, including that very morning. So I feel Juls is going to be on the back foot a bit now. 😡

can we shoutout to the costume dept gay who put valentina in a “more than friends” shirt and then had juliana wear a gd denim vest over a rainbow shirt… doing god’s work truly….

We can and we should!

Val thinking, I’m going to sleep in the same bed as my friend who I almost kissed, I usually wear gray jammies or sweats to bed but what should I sleep in tonight……got it.


And denim over a rainbow and wearing jeans. Lest we forget, during her mom’s ordeal of being kidnapped and then shot and then threatened some more, what the real plot was. 😛
