Carina’s really nice to fans (she’s even interacted with me on twitter personally), I’m confused by what the last anon said (she definitely has a “take no shit” attitude, but Roswell’s got some really toxic, stalker-y fans, I wouldn’t say it’s her fault.

And another anon:

i’m so confused by that other anon, Malex (mlm ship from rnm) is one of the show’s two big ships… they’re huge in the show and i’ve never heard a bad thing about them/her.

I didn’t know so many people who followed me watched Roswell, heh. I didn’t mean for this to be a thing, I loved Freelin in TO s4 specifically and associated it with her, two years ago. I don’t really know enough to have an opinion otherwise and given that the fandom situation is heated, I don’t really want to get more into it. I’m not dismissing the complaints as just upset fans, often extreme fandoms are spurred on by writers, but this was a throwaway comment about a throwaway comment, not really what I’m looking to spend my time on.