She doesn’t think Val will remember. It was said in passing, a moment of misspoken hilarity in the middle of tense family drama, surely forgotten in the wake of the immediate news that followed that Lucia and Jacobo were safe.
But Juls remembers everything about those first days of getting to know Val. She remembers every word, every laugh, every touch that led up to her heart falling so hopelessly in love. She remembers that feeling of contented joy, at being able to coax a laugh from Val again, despite all the stress and anxiety she was feeling, and Juls knew she wanted to spend her entire life trying to get Val to laugh like that again.
So when summer starts to come to a close and she looks at her calendar to see that September 14th lands on a Saturday, Juls can’t help it. Her lip starts to curl upwards as an idea starts to form. Because look— Juls kind of agrees with Val: February 14 is a made up holiday designed to make people in relationships spend extra money. But the idea behind it, of picking a random day to show how much you appreciate the person you love? Juls can get behind that.