For real! Like, sure, she was a dick at times, you may not love her or even like her, but the complete dismissal of context altogether, no, that’s not fair at all.
hello. the new mulan was released today and seeing your gifset brings back childhood memories. i didn’t/don’t follow what’s happened with the actress who plays the new mulan but wasn’t there some controversy with her supporting china over hong kong protesters? (i saw your tags)
Yeah, there was, she posted support for the Hong Kong police while they were busy assaulting protesters.
I’ve seen different stances, “maybe she was forced to voice that support” vs “doesn’t seem like she was and it’s still her choice to listen” vs “even if you don’t want to support her, support for this shows a market for Asian movies”, it’s up to people to make whatever choice they think is right. For the record, it was available to pirate pretty quickly.

Not Sister Lilith selling me health insurance on Tumblr ?
Grace is a cyborg. The Cyberdyne systems T models, while also cyborgs, are machines. Grace is not a machine.
Oh, okay, so cyborg is the overlap, machine vs human is the ends of the spectrum, as it were?
hi, where did you watch This Way Up? I can only see 2 eps of it but i can see you’ve giffed the sixth ep too?
It’s airing weekly on TV but all the eps are already available here, if you can get a British IP (from a pretty good VPN):
How are you liking this season of Dark? Better than last? Confusing because it’s been so long? I haven’t began it yet.
The second option, I really should have rewatched it before starting the new season because I was super confused at the start. But the longer I watched the more things fell into place, especially since it does often use the technique of cutting straight from a person in one time to that some person in another.
I can’t really say it’s better or worse, I am still liking it, every time a parallel happens or something good is revealed, I still go ooooh, like when we see [young Agnes!]. I’m still loving Jonas, this poor kid goes through SO MUCH. Still hating Noah and [Adam Sarandon], still dislike [Ulrich’s stupid aggression, attacking everyone].
What I really love, and I think this season highlightes that a lot more, is how much the show is driven by familial love. Sure, a huge part of it are the family ties through the generations, but it’s just really genuine and lovely to see, amid all the rest of the plot. It’s not just what’s convenient for the plot, it’s what grounds the plot.
If I remember correctly you made Agnes/Doris gifs from Dark on Netflix. Have you began season 2?
Yep! I’ll wait to gif until I finish the season, still got some eps to go.
Did trish get superpowers at last?? :o
Yep, she did.
3% – 3×08
Hi. I know it’s been cancelled but why do you think Madeleine slept on the floor. Notice it happens with both Wren and that sketchy reporter. Thanks again.
Hmm, yeah, when other people are there, but am I misremembering or does she do it when alone too? I mean, I don’t think it’s to get away from her bed partner, I think it’s just how she sleeps on the outside. And my immediate theory, without even thinking much about it, had been that it was because she wasn’t used to a big soft bed anymore.