Omg fuck Eva, she is suuuuch a controlling asshole. She cares more about the family’s appearances than her sister’s happiness. Obvs fuck Lucho too, he’s been a dick from the start. I will say tho that I was nervous about today’s ep but it went better than I expected. There was no violence, which I hope continues. I do wish they’d had Juls and Val talk more about the outing. Juls’ response wasn’t quite what I would’ve wanted to see.

Hmm, how so? Val’s biggest issue is her unwillingness to deal with things. She chooses to hide, whether it’s in alcohol and drugs or pretending everything’s fine between Lucia and Eva or wanting to run away. She’s gotta deal with things.

I did like that despite the awkwardness at the start, they (Val) did calm down enough to acknowledge what’s really bothering her. Man, kid is messed up. Yeah, you’re probably right, Juls is right in that they can’t just run away–well, they kind of literally can, she’s an heiress and Lupe wants to leave too, but it’s more that running away from problems is a hard habit to break. BUT, despite her being right, she could have offered some more support and really, Val should come out on her own terms, especially when Juls was the one saying to hide it from people even though Val did immediately tell Guille.

I understand both of them, Juls isn’t really maybe feeling in a place where she can offer much input on Val’s life and family and of course Val is super scared. I’m just glad they were able to make up that small amount.

Not Juliantina related (that doesn’t mean i don’t love them, because I doooooooo!!!) but I’ve been watching Burden of truth for a few days and now that I’m all catched up, I need to talk about Luna and Molly!!!!! I adore them!!!!! although i’m a bit scared/sad because of how their relationship is going in season 2…I miss the old prom days :(

Omgggg. Omg. DIDN”T I CALL THIS? DIDN’T I SAY THIS WOULD HAPPEN. And now…we wait. It’s probably not her, right, because they cut the scene? Or is that a double bluff so we’ll think maybe she didn’t do it and then will discover it was self-defense. Or murder? Maybe it was actual murder but everyone will basically doctor it to look like self-defense and then in the last shot of the season we’ll see what happened and it was straight up murder. 

But yeah, also, it really does seem like it’s Luna putting distance between her and Molly. It sucks, but now we’ll see the real plot of the season and how it affects them. D:

God, one thing LGBT stories everywhere–whether they’re from countries new to them or…a bit less new–need to learn to do is treat outing like the horrible thing it is. It isn’t some sharing of a juicy secret.

Cheating is bad, everyone knows that. A lot of people don’t seem to get that outing is terrible! Shows will still do it for the drama, fine, but condemn it within the narrative.