Anon! What a thoughtful gesture. To not only think, I want to thank this person, but for remembering (or looking up) where I’m from, looking up the native language, googling how to say thank you. Awwwwwwwwww. It’s absolutely fine with me if you say it, and I very much appreciate the sentiment. :’)
Looking forward to you making a gifset that includes a bunch of videos from Barbara partying last night and looking hot as hell :)
Lol, you know me too well. Photoshop already open.
Did killing eve air? Doesn’t it air on sundays?
It gets released a couple days early on certain networks, AMC Premiere in the US, HBO in some places (I think?), and what a lot of people are using if they can get an Aussie IP, ABC iview in Australia.
you have permission for this: actrive: I’ve noticed in the latest “henry” stuff both actresses have their red band on their left rifts. Care to comment?
I don’t know that I ever put much significance on that? It was a Barb thing that carried over to Juls that eventually carried over to Val and Maca?
And another anon:
hi there! any chance you could do a gif set of parallels between killing eve and jennifer’s body? (no worries/apologies if you don’t take requests!) thank you!!
I do “take” requests but I’ve never actually seen Jennifer’s Body so I don’t think I could help you there.
Not being into labels is great as an idea, but I also think that it is similar to people saying that they don’t see colour. I think someone can say they don’t like labels but still identify as something over something else. Like I dont think people should be put into boxes as a general idea but i can still say I’m straight bc I’m only attracted to men. It can be both
Right, I was going to draw a comparison to when people say they don’t see race because in the same way, it’s not doing someone a favor, as if their race or sexuality was a bad thing that’s now no longer a factor. Like, how else is that meant to be taken? “Don’t worry, when I noticed, it was bad, but now I don’t so it’s all good.” People should be able to acknowledge it and NOT treat it like a bad thing.
Are we treating labels as a separate thing from what they identify as? Is the difference that one is applied by other people and the other is chosen by themselves? You say you’re straight is still a label, isn’t it? Using a box as a metaphor is perhaps not the best way to approach this, but I think I stand by my original argument: go with what people choose for themselves, whether it’s a specific label/identity or the absence of one or even “TBD”.
Maca and Bárbara have been clear that the story has been written to avoid labels because of how a lot of Mexican society tries to box in queer people. Val’s comment about how she ‘doesn’t even like women, [she] likes one woman’ was just to make a point to Eva
Hmm, but I feel like by only using the word gay, they’ve already provided a sort of box themselves? I know introductory stories try to keep it simple, but I think if boys are involved in the story somehow, as they were here, then at the least, bisexuality should be mentioned, if just its existence.
Nobody has to choose an identity, but even that’s worth having the discussion, an “I don’t know” or “I don’t want to pick”.
Too often if a character isn’t straight, they’re assumed to be gay and when the show reinforces that then that’s what the audience takes away from it. Someone can absolutely still have a history with boys and be a lesbian, but even then, not being bi is still different from defaulting to gay.
I like that at the end Val herself said she didn’t want to pick a label, she made her own choice, but it is a choice in itself, as much as any other label. I also don’t think a totally label-less society is some kind of ideal to strive for, I don’t think it means that it all stops mattering and everyone is equal. Bigoted people don’t hate the label, they hate what people are, and that’s still going to continue.
What do you think about the ideas the twitter fandom are getting? Suggesting Hayley Kyoko to include them in a video of her music; suggesting them to be a part of the L world?
Oh, well, as long as people are being respectful, can’t hurt to be ambitious, who knows with this fandom and this ship. The odds are of course very long on both, but if it could magically happen, I’d kind of love to see them in a Hayley Kiyoko video, since those often end up being f/f short films.
I’ve never actually seen TLW, though I’ve absorbed a lot, and man, it’s messy. Not that telenovelas aren’t, but at least a story like AAM had a specific arc and ending for each character. Dramas like TLW just seem to go on and no character’s left happy. Of course, even if they were somehow on it, it’d probably be a short cameo and nothing more.
real life gay experience, a woman made her emigrant brother (in the 70s) marry the girl she loved, cause that meant she would stay with her parents and her while he was actually away, and then she just didnt get married herself until pretty late. but also,they were very touchy and kissy, and cuddled and slept together for years. so yeah. gay girls been consciously or unconsciously doing that for years
Ah, damn, but that gets sad real fast. It’s one thing when it’s resolved quickly and happily and, you know, involving fictional characters, but people living their whole lives like that, ouch.
There is this song Barbie sings at minute 1:38 and i hate that i can’t find a proper way to translate it, because is such a fun song about flirting and like “try and flirt with me and i’m not responsible for what i’ll do to you” :’)
Oh, that sounds so fun! That’s the one they’re both singing along happily to (because it’s the only one they both know well? lol).
But hmmm, those lyrics sound familiar. Where’ve I heard that before…oh, that’s right.

With all the songs in Spanish…what did you got?
Lol, none except Me Muero. And of course Maca’s Bebecita! was familiar but I didn’t even know the song it was from.