Nice, nice. Well, feel free to let us know what your channel is when you’re ready.
i mean it gets flagged but it only demonetizes it or makes it blocked in a few countries. still accessible from most, and if not you just need a vpn. maybe now that the show is over they aren’t policing it so heavily
Oh, nice, yeah, that’s about as good as can be expected. Cool, then, let us know when you start putting up the subs. Are you putting up HD versions? I think people are interested even without the subs, if other avenues are lost (since that other link for eps suddenly seems to have gone down too).
low key i’ve been downloading all the eps and posting them to youtube. might spend the time translating them cause i’m bored. i know everyone is kinda over the show itself but i still want it around an accessible if even just for me
Oh, wow, I would be very interested in that and so would some other people. Let us know when you start putting up the subs. 🙂
Isn’t Youtube flagging it like crazy? zeroty and AtL were having trouble with just minute long scenes, would a whole ep not be taken down?
Exactly! Such lazy writing! We do not need these shitty plots w lesbian/bi girls treating each other like shit! I’m sure they’ll end up going the “lesbian loses her bi gf Bc of her own insecurities” route and it’s so dumb. They’ve previously done some side-eye worthy stuff like Vanessa commenting on dick size & Jess feeling the need to buy a strap on, so I guess the insecurity didn’t come outta nowhere, but the way the plotline was handled & led to a cheating plot was absolute garbage. Ugh
And 100% agree that the writers didn’t need Jess lying to Vanessa to prop up Murphy. Murphy and Jess already had a great friendship. Having a lesbian treat her gf like shit, a girl she supposedly is in love with at that, and saying she could never treat her friend the same way is just gross. Almost as gross as the constant focus on “real” lesbians without acknowledging that bi women exist & aren’t thirsting to be w men when they’re in f/f relationships.
I don’t know if they’ll have Jess and Vanessa actually break up, everyone’s so messy, they might be able to get past it once it’s revealed, which surely it inevitably will be?. But maybe not, this might be the messiest thing someone “good” has done.
And so messy! I know she has her insecurities, that’s consistent, fine, and it’s not even bad character writing, I just don’t see why it would have led to cheating? We’re meant to think Jess is rattled, sure, and upset about Vanessa dismissing her concerns (which–they had to write Vanessa as suddenly flighty and dismissive too, huh), but she’s such a goody two shoes, this just seemed so contrived. To parallel her guilt about Wesley’s death, I get that, but are we really meant to equate her action of, what, being pressured to have a killer in her trunk for a few minutes and then not calling the cops when he gets hit by a car with cheating? The writing in this ep was definitely more about serving plot than character.
And another anon:
The biphobia on In the Dark this episode is so annoying. I gave them a pass with the strap on storyline, because I thought it felt real and at least Jess’s insecurity was understandable given Vanessa’s comment, but this episode just reinforced the worries I had in the back of my head during that storyline. To me, the main issue isn’t even that Jess is acting biphobic, but that the writing is. They don’t even acknowledge that Vanessa is bi, they act like she can only be a lesbian or experimenting
Yes! That’s the weirdest part, that those are the only two things anyone on the show thinks Vanessa can be. I don’t care if characters act a certain way, that’s actually organic and natural writing. People have different opinions, or even when they know something in their head, their heart feels differently, but if it’s the only opinion presented and there isn’t even an effort made to question that? As I’ve said before, if it’s something that’s already clear cut in real life, cheating is bad, murder is bad, I don’t need that to be called out as bad, but when it’s something hazy, when too many people are ignorant about it, I can’t understand why anyone would reinforce it.
At this point I’m left to wonder if the writers actually think that themselves, if everything they write is with that approach.
Hell, it’s not even good writing to act like nobody in this group of young people knows what bisexuality is.
Hi. I know it’s been cancelled but why do you think Madeleine slept on the floor. Notice it happens with both Wren and that sketchy reporter. Thanks again.
Hmm, yeah, when other people are there, but am I misremembering or does she do it when alone too? I mean, I don’t think it’s to get away from her bed partner, I think it’s just how she sleeps on the outside. And my immediate theory, without even thinking much about it, had been that it was because she wasn’t used to a big soft bed anymore.
Spoiler alert if you’re not caught up on in the dark: not sure if you’re still watching it, but man, I’m annoyed with the newest ep. I know the focus was never on Jess/Vanessa, but I’m irritated that they went the cheating route with them and that Jess is embroiled in lying to the cops now. I really liked Jess & u know the lying will come back to bite her in the ass. And Jess/Vanessa are doomed Bc she cheated ugh there are zero f/f ships left again, even in the periphery. Need new f/f material.
Anon! I actually just finished watching it a little while ago and same! The lying to the cops part, I’m okay with that personally, that is just what the show is, people are going to get into and out of messes, and it gives her a plot and a reason to have her own screentime, but to Vanessa…and the whole “I could lie to the cops and Vanessa but not to you”, that diminishes her own relationship so much. You don’t have to prop up the main character THAT much, she doesn’t even need it! It’s a great friendship on its own.
Maybe she shouldn’t be with Vanessa, if she can cheat on her and lie to her. I like my ships but I like shipping my ships. I really do like Vanessa but if Jess isn’t that into her, then don’t keep her around as some poor fool or to watch this slowly become a toxic mess. But really, my issue isn’t with the fact that Jess doesn’t seem to treat Vanessa as well as she should, it’s that the show uses them for convenience. And I really did not like how they threw around “actual/real lesbian”. The show’s reinforcing Jess’s incorrect attitude of putting her insecurities on Vanessa. First they make Vanessa dismiss Jess’s concerns so they can argue and then they act like that’s because she’s bi??? As if real lesbia–I’m just tired of even discussing this. It was lazy and dumb writing and I think the show could have done better.
Last TV season my fave 3 wlw ships were Kate/Anya, Emma/Cruz and Charlotte/Lady Fitz. I’m 0/2 now. If anything bad happens to C/LF I’m sorry, I’m cursed. BTW I was sad Anya was never mentioned again and the show treated it like it never happened. But it got canceled before Kate and Leonard happened and we all know it was going to happen so I’m okay with Kate getting a good ending for herself. But I’m pissed the way Vida retconned Cruz. The disrespect. I can’t even watch/support the show now.
Oof, buddy. And a ship on Harlots! You do like to live dangerously. Actually, Liv Tyler returning at all was so unexpected, I don’t know if you’re cursed so much as maaaaybe not picking the most solid of ships, heh.
It was pretty weird how FtP just dropped any mention of Anya as if she never existed, but they do seem to do that with personal relationships, dropping them and picking them up as suits the plot. They did that for pretty much everyone except Jill and Roger. Even Kate/Leonard only got some charged exchanges at the start and then that was it, so if you don’t like it in the one, then I guess you have cause to be grateful about it in the other? Heh.
Re: Cruz, that one, I’ll give you, there was no reason to think her role would be shortened. If anything, the opposite. Like you, I would say, I’m a bit of a romantic and get attached to couples. But Vida is not really that kind of show. I did hear about how Cruz was written this season and that was disappointing but overall, it’s meant to be more a full on drama about these very underserved issues and not something to pin shipping hopes on. Which, we ourselves get so little so it still feels unfair, like, how few shows at all stick with the same f/f couple over multiple seasons, but we can’t hold one show responsible for the whole industry’s failure. It’s still got a lot of good things going for it, so while you certainly don’t have to watch it, I wouldn’t write it off for everyone.
What like does that image mean if its ok to ask
Lol, it’s just a dumb joke. I was hoping if people knew at least two, they’d get the rest. Think of the name…Nico.

Thanks for the Priory of the Orange Tree rec. I just finished it and really enjoyed it! It was so good! If you have any similar recs, I’d love to hear them.
I’m glad you liked it! Welcome to the club. Because, uh, heh, we’re all stuck trying to find something that good and f/f that sucks us in and I don’t really think there’s anything similar. Personally, I went into A Memory Called Empire, but that’s scifi and the romance isn’t as epic. Anything I’ve read or liked recently is in my books tag, you can get an idea of what I’ve been reading or looking into from there.
That was a great Juliantina post! I was following you from December last year, and I remember you commented that you thought Juliana and Valentina were straight? It’s there in your history, but there’s so much stuff (thank you, btw) that i can’t link it. Comments?
I said that? I don’t remember saying that… In what context, that I thought they were acted like straight girls? I definitely don’t remember saying that, or do you mean I thought they were straight characters at first? Considering I started watching for them, I don’t think I said that either…? Are you sure it was me?