BIG SKY yes!!!! I was so worried when watching the first episode I was like “ladies you are fighting over THAT guy????” but then thankfully that was fixed by the end of the episode lol (flashbacks are a little cringe for me. She’s too young bro!) Anyways, I hope cassie x jenny continue to investigate together instead of separately like they had been, those two are the reason I decided to start watching!!

I know! Like, sure, Ryan Philippe and all, but within the show he seemed kind of a mess. I absolutely did not expect the end but I was a whole lot more interested in the show after. The flashbacks they choose are so random and like, I mean, not to be judgy but so corny and dreamy. Maybe that’s the intention, that they were just a fantasy? 

And yes, definitely, more Cassie and Jenny teaming up.

And another anon:

the big sky women getting together would complete the love triangle they have going on. wait does it count as a love triangle if [spoiler] is dead? either way they should find the girls and find each other along the way.

sidenote, am i the only one who’s like kids sick of the kidnapping plot now? i feel like they should have let Grace get away and then instead of finding the fisher guy and getting shot we have like an episode of her finding her way to town before collapsing on like cassies doorstep and they have to wait for her to recover before they can figure out where the other girls are.

Lol, indeed, I dunno if it’s a true Korrasaming when the uh, [redacted] is dead but it should count!

Um, well, while I very much want the kidnapped girls to be safe and was upset Grace was caught again, it is the whole premise of the season, right, once that’s over what’s left? Your suggestion isn’t bad, though, where she still manages to escape…but I guess they want the sisters together for now. 

I AM curious, though, I heard that they’d received an additional back order for some more eps for this season, so then…what are the existing eps up to? Surely if there’s a plot that needs to fully be decided and planned out, it’s this one? Were they originally just half rescued and it was going to end on a cliffhanger? Were they rescued and the additional eps handle the aftermath? Cassie and Jenny aren’t gonna start a new case in just six eps, right, so I dunno.

And another anon:

i’m really enjoying big sky thank you for giffing it!!!! 

Ah, thanks, no problem!

This is just an idea but I have a feeling that they are slowly moving carina away from Greys. Camilla who plays greys says that Jo will have a career change. She has been seen with 2 births already. I think she will switch to OB who knows then what Carina will do.

Oh, you think so? I haven’t watched Grey’s in a bit but that would be sad for Carina, unless she makes up for it in a similar role in Station 19. She genuinely does seem to love her job so while I would welcome any change where we see more of her in general, I hope it’s not at the expense of this.

i know i am late to the party. i just finished warrior (2019) and do you know what i would have liked to see more than irish terrorist gets a romantic semi-plot? seeing lai, ah sahm, and ah toy bond in those two months they’ve been disposing of racists. and i wish the fung hai killed bill because i don’t like that little bitch

“do you know what i would have liked to see more than irish terrorist gets a romantic semi-plot?”

Anything?? 😛 Gosh.

But yes, god, there was so much they could have done with the literal, you know, warriors of the show. I wish Hong’d joined their group too and it was just casual vigilantism. And man, Bill, I think the reason I resented Leary so much was that we already HAD this corrupt victim-complex white guy getting so much screentime and story. But main character plot armor. -_-

A few other field notes, this one is spot on especially Shelby (poor girl). Field Note #61 – How each girl learned to swim: Martha took a class with her mom; Toni would sneak into her neighbor’s above-ground pool by night until she kind of just taught herself; Rachel and Nora had private lessons; Fatin’s grandparents had an infinity pool; Leah learned in Lake Tahoe at a family reunion; Dot went to the quarry; and Shelby’s dad threw her into the country club pool sink-or-swim style.

Aww, both Toni and Shelby. Their particular dynamic really is this clash of opposites so extreme they come around and meet on the other side. Is it better to have effectively no parents or ones that are so present they become controlling and scary? Trick question, neither is better, both suck. Which they’re now realizing, people who have what you thought you wanted can still be suffering. They have a lot more common than they might have expected.

Thanks for sharing these! They’re interesting and enlightening.

it is impossible they fix on the boys when this show is about girls and when clearly there is still a lot to tell with them and follow relationships and developement with the girls, and now what happen between the shark atck until they are rescued/kidnap fr the lunatic bitch, and also how they will expose them, they didnt start to create this friendships, romance and family dynamics to throw it away without continuation i know is hard to trust tv shows lately but comn all the crew are woman.

I don’t think anybody’s expecting them to fully throw away the girls, the hypothetical is that the focus will shift. 

Now that the bulk of the island story and their individual background eps are over, with the post-shark, rescue, and whatever resulted in Shelby as she is now parts not enough to be a full show, especially one that satisfies the premise (stuck on a deserted island), they may shift over to the boys and perhaps contrast how they handle specific obstacles to how the girls did, while also focusing on continuing the girls’ story, both wrapping up what happened on the island and what happens now in the bunker. 

Or, they may simply…oof, they may escape the bunker and realize they now have to get off a different remote island. I would prefer that, screw the boys, lol.

Ugh I just finished watching the wilds and that cliffhanger!!! (I really hope we don’t get a repeat of tbh and that’s where the show ends :/ ) Gotta say all the characters ended up growing on me, even the ones I thought wouldnt like Fatin, speaking of Fatin her storyline pissed me off the most, in the sense that I felt SO bad for her I mean her dad screwed up royally and yet….

Ugh, I know, TBH is still the one cancellation I’m mourning hardest from this year. I’m not sure of the chances for s2 for this one, I feel like Prime has more money to play with than other networks at the moment and it’s gotten good reviews but maybe not that buzz~? It’s their first YA so they may decide to stick with it for now, instead of trying with another, Netflix’s approach.

What, you didn’t think you’d like–well, remembering Fatin in the very first ep, on the plane…okay, she did put across a certain aggressively clueless vibe, but I adored her soon enough. And yeah, the unfairness of her backstory rankled, but that’s desi culture for you. >_> Well, really, any image-first culture. 

Hi, have you heard of Druck? It’s the German version of Skam and the lead of the 6th season is a lesbian. No pressure to watch nor to gif or anything, I just thought I’d let you know

I had heard about it insomuch as a non-anon told me a few hours ago, heh. I mean, I’m very vaguely aware of the Skams but this wasn’t on my radar, no. I will keep an eye on it, for sure, but so far the Skams and I have not exactly gotten along like a house afire. Thanks for the extremely polite heads up!