I heard from a coworker that i am not okay with this is only 20 minutes or so for each episode, and he told me he binged it all in one night. Idk if that makes it more doable to you but i know im gonna try and binge it

Pretty cool that a show like that is so appealing to the general audience! And yeah, definitely, right now, the shorter length certainly makes it sound more appealing. When it’s a show I might gif, or feel like I should take note of, it kind of requires that extra mental energy to watch, you know? So the shorter the better. Which is so ungrateful, heh. I spent so much of Desenfrenadas waiting for it to be over, in the sense that when it’s a subtitled show, I have to watch and can’t do anything else in the background, but when it was over, damn, I wanted more.