i take breaks from tumblr and whenever i pop back on i see that you are neck deep into a new fandom / show hahaha. it warms my heart to see that you are still having fun watching shows and that there are enough f/f couples out there these days worth warranting your fangirling

Awww, it’s so sweet that you were thinking that, and that you told me 🙂

It wasn’t that simple, at first it was the panic and grief at the virus, and then the anger and helplessness at how badly the US federal government is handling this, but similarly to the 2016 election, sadly it’s started to become a new normal? I stopped myself from reading so much news and Twitter and it helps that work continues to be almost exactly the same, just having to work from home all five days now instead of just four. 

Once work started to make me focus on a routine again, the rest of it fell into place. Who’d have thought Station 19 would be the thing I’d happily be distracted by? Fiction’s always been a bit of an escape for me, now just more so. And I am glad that I’m able to be distracted, because at first I wasn’t watching anything, it all seemed very “what’s the point?” But I guess you just gotta work through it. 😮 Anyway, thanks for reaching out!