what do you make of them having maya say that her dad made her ruin one of the best relationships she ever had and jack saying an apology goes a long way and then she says ‘im sorry’ to jack?

Oh, I absolutely took it as both of them talking about Carina as the best relationship but once Jack pointed that the effectiveness of an apology, Maya’s mind really started turning that over, apologizing to people you’d wronged, and realized Jack was one of them. 

I mean, I don’t love the guy, but he was unceremoniously dumped and the cheating sex was absolutely about her using him to do something (dumb) in the relationship she was actually focused on. So that was an acknowledgment she was listening to him now, both an apology and gratitude for him being supportive. Like, not once, not even in the moment when watching live, did I think it was them talking about their relationship. It’s just not what the writing this season supported. It was all about Maya learning to let someone in and that someone being specifically Carina with her unconditional understanding support and the dramatic apology immediately after proved that.