I mean, you can get prescriptions for antidepressants without a rx in mexico… And even brand names are under $20 a month. But if you want to give money to a scam artist, feel free. Maybe they need money and are just lying about why. Who knows. Oddly specific lies though.

I appreciate the info but then I’d ask, is that for all locations? Would that person know that? Does it apply to their specific meds? And they mentioned other medical issues. That would be my thought process, anyway. That there are a million little exceptions I haven’t even thought of to everything I could know.

But whatever the truth, that scam artist comment is pretty bad faith, anon. I don’t want to give it to a scam artist but as I’ve said, I’d rather take that risk. I didn’t know the rx situation in Mexico and it didn’t even occur to me to look. And tbh, I’d rather pay than go beyond a certain level of basic research. Nobody else has to, everyone should do their due diligence but that’s where I’m at right now.