Thanks for all the gifs you did!! Omg the Doritos scene! I only noticed how Sterling changed her breathing when April had her hand over her but did not notice that she actually tried to take a sniff to smell April with the eyes closed and everything!?? Hahah my baby gay By the way, is there any chance you gif more twins scene! I love how they being supportive of each other. Thanks! And I love that anon’s interpretation of their 5th grade.

You’re welcome! She really had a whole experience, she’s lucky April was so distracted–well, not that April would necessarily have minded.

I doooo have plans to gif twins scenes, I don’t even count that last scene one for them, but I honestly don’t even know where to start, they have so many great scenes in every single episode, it’s such a great relationship, I love them. If you had requests for individual scenes, I can at least push them up my list, but there’s just so much, it’s hard to really know what to focus on.

And heh, which anon, there are like at least three different interpretations. 🙂