Can I just say I’ve been listening non-stop to Slow Burn, I am sucker for shows using music for significant moments (and it is the perfect song for them). I am also suffering because I cannot stop remembering April’s face when Sterling played the song, she looked like she was in pain and on the verge of tears ?

Oh, I’m like that about songs too! Except I actually tend to not know any songs in general till I hear them on media so that’s my first and only association with them. I have this whole list of songs I just associate with f/f scenes. For Stepril it’s not just Slow Burn but that Hit It Hard song from ep 7 too, lol. 

But no doubt, Slow Burn is definitely their song, ughhh, including ep 10. :((( April’s face in that sceeeene, like, I think because we see so much of Sterling’s interiority and Maddie has such a ridiculously expressive face, in contrast we tend to picture April as someone more in charge, knowing what she’s doing, but her expression showed how she’s also just playing this as best as she can with what she has.