This might have been discussed before. Sorry if you have answered this before. But is Maya out to her parents? Do they even know that Carina is her gf? When Maya’s mother helped with the spaghetti dinner she and Carina seemed to get along well but i don’t know if that means anything.

Um. I think she is, but I realize now I’m not sure? I might have just missed the ep where they revealed that, but from what I’ve observed, Maya’s attitude seems to imply her sexuality wasn’t an issue, it was more what her father considered a distraction or not. Like the flashback example in high school, it seemed more that anything taking away from track was what bothered him so it bothered her. Add to that his abuse and she was emotionally stunted and prioritized flings over relationships. Like, I’m sure her father was homophobic, not overtly but in how he saw women, and probably would have made snide remarks, but no relationship was probably serious enough for Maya to take anyone home. I assume, haha. 

We did definitely see her mom realize Carina was Maya’s romantic something in the office and while her reaction wasn’t, omg, you’re bi, it did also take her several guesses to realize, so I also can’t tell if it wasn’t just omg, I learned something new about my daughter, I have to not make a big deal because she won’t like it. 

I just don’t think we’ll get a coming out arc for Maya, is what I’m saying.