You know how sometimes you watch a movie or tv show and get a sudden reality check that, oh yeah, this ship isn’t actually canon? I watched Dark Fate again recently and every time I do I just get MORE confused about how something if it wasn’t supposed to be romantic?!?

Ugh, right?? It’s such a story built to be a romance, it truly is! Like, it’s how the whole arc worked best, it’s just what you naturally expect it to be and the impression you take away from it, these two standing against time because of love, and like, this isn’t freaking Dark, we’re not reading maternal vibes into it?? There’s loyalty and devotion but not motherhood? And especially because of the Kyle/Sarah parallels, we see it as a romance. It’s just meant to be, like, if homophobia weren’t a thing, it WOULD be. That’s all there is to it.