I binged The Wilds because of your posts and now I’m empty, that ending was a set-up for a second season and it’s kind of a bummer we may have to wait a whole year or expect for it to be cancelled but, what were your thoughts on the series? Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite scene? I don’t know, I always look forward to whatever you have to say!

Yeah, gonna have to wait for a while…but I wonder if it helps that it was shot in NZ, which is honestly such a covid haven at the moment (knock on wood)? Maybe they still have to do the same tests and safety measures as other sets, I don’t know. But I’d also think being so outdoors for much of the story can only help. Too bad a bunch of the rest of the story is now in small dungeon-like rooms. 😡

I…thought it was a pretty engrossing watch, if you could get past some stuff (the YA vibes, how dark and traumatic some of the stories were). You know I’m always about character and this delivered that in spades

Favorite character? Martha’s mom. Not even joking, heh, she just radiated so much love for her daughter and compassion in general. But obviously you mean favorite island girl…I have such a hard time picking, I like different things about everyone, it’s so hard to pick just one and makes me feel disloyal, but I in this case, overall, I would say Fatin just brought me so much joy in general. But then I’m like, well, Dot, and then I can’t leave out Martha, and then it just continues from one to the next, like, I haven’t mentioned Toni or Shelby yet but of course I liked them too! I liked everyone, except I’m not sure I’ve entirely forgiven [the second mole]. It is hard to forgive someone who saw EVERYTHING they suffered, day in and day out, the food-poisoning, Fatin seemingly missing, people just starving and traumatized even without all that, and didn’t just end it.

And thank you! Thanks for letting me talk about it. 🙂