Alright alright alright im ready for the amazing fic writers to do their magic and churn out these shelby and toni fics, im so ready and excited

Ooh, yes, I hope there are some good ones. I was thinking, as a complete non-writer, lol, how much fun it must be to play with characters who’re so well-defined and characterized. Each of them is such a specific and almost literal archetype, gifted and rebellious desi girl, angry jock lesbian, closeted religious girl, etc, but is so fleshed out, not in a way to even necessarily subvert them, often the only subversion is that there is no subversion, like Fatin and Shelby not being secretly vicious mean girls, they’re all just exactly what it said on the wrapper, but people. They react so consistently within their characterizations, not always in the right way or the best way, but in very believable natural ways. 

In fact, the literal premise of the show is that what if you take these characters to this place and do this thing to them, how will they react? And then it backs that up by exploring the characters and dynamics more than anything, I love that. There are some shows which are soooo character serving plot and this is the total opposite. Obviously there’s stuff to cover in terms of the experiment and what happened after the shark, but there can be so much in between.