

If you love Sapphic books and want even more of an excuse to read stories about all sort of women-loving-women, there is a fun crossword puzzle going on this year.

FF author Jae is hosting a year-long F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge. Every month, there is a different crossword with a theme, and you fill in clues about different wlw books. (You don’t have to buy or even read all of the books–most of them, the authors chose hints that you can get from book previews or excerpts on their websites or on Amazon). And you can win prizes (hint: the prizes are lots and lots of wlw books!!)

And it looks queer-inclusive, too. There are puzzles dedicated to trans, non-binary, ace, demi, bi, and pan wlw. 

It looks really fun and it would be even more fun if more people joined in!

Here’s the link if you want to check it out!