JULIANTINA ARE SO SOFT!!! I’m in love with them. Especially Juls. Val’s constant hearteyes at her are such a mood. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sweeter, more awkward first time. Their little morning after cuddle killed me too. I’m kind of surprised that they felt so weird after considering how often they seem like they can’t keep their hands off of each other, but I thought it was realistic in the sense that they’d both just been coming to terms with the fact they’re attracted to a woman.

@cookiesandgirls  said: 

Totally agree with that…the fact that it was treated as they coming to terms on how the feel, for me it felt organic and natural. For me it also helped that my own first experience was like that, a little awkward, getting to know each other for the first time, as romantic as one can expect it was mostly awkward (in a good…great…way) from that point forward it was better and better…so yes I’m ready for whatever comes next for them… 

@misssoftley said: 


Yeah, I thought it was an interesting choice to make since it was so deliberately against what you’d kind of expected with how they set up this being Juls’s first time ever and Val not having particularly good experiences before. And well, this is a telenovela and we’ve see how the other relationships are handled. 

I think that, for all the good things we’ve seen for these two that are realistic and natural and organic, this is the other side of that coin. It’s a heck of a lot more realistic than everyone else’s relationship and I don’t really mind it. There weren’t any regrets, just the acknowledgment that it was a bit weird, which, it absolutely would be, right? They’d be nervous, it’d be a bit weird, that’s all exactly how it would be, it’s just not what you expect from a telenovela or even most other TV shows.

What’s more, I’m assuming this is all going to be discussed and perhaps even happen again, with less awkwardness as they process everything. And I cannot wait to see all that, lol.

In total agreement with you guys. But then I also think there is a difference in both girls’ “I feel weird”. You’ll see that when Val says it she smiles. Like maybe she’s tsken by suprise at how quickly she’s fallen for Juls. Maybe experiencing for the FIRST TIME the fireworks she had been talking about before. 

And for Juls its her first time PERIOD. I remember I felt weird after my first time. It shows growth doesn’t mean its bad.

I like how they are so organic. Like if it were all perfect and stuff it might create unrealistic expectations which is an important xonsideration for our communities

Yeah, I dunno how it being realistic is bad. It’s so in line with where they would actually be. And they’re not the type to hide it and pretend it’s amazing, there’s that too.

And oh, that’s true, Val’s reaction was a lot more giddy, like, yeah, isn’t this weirdddd, in an unbelievable, amazing way.


I do think it’s super realistic but I also like it for plot reasons, tbh. Since I really don’t believe the writers’ intention for this scene they deliberately wrote in was to be all “wow, that was terrible sex, we should just stop this”, or “yeah, this couple we built up to be so sweet and loving just has a dud of a sex life”, this is something to be addressed in the future. This is going to be an arc. Instead of done the one time, perfect, now time for the drama to come from something else.