juliana/valentina are not only more important than guille/renata but they are years ahead in being better and having depth. I mean Guille started out being the perfect spoiled rich guy that was rude to Renata at all times til the moment she helped him solve a problem he got involved in cause he was that rich guy who wanted to see the world in a different way for a moment. As of now Guille/Renata “angst” is just so lacking

Hey, fighting over a cat is real angst! But you know what? Lesbians would never do that, so I rescind the comparison.

And another anon:

I was reading some yt comments on juliantina stories, and apparently the straights are rooting for them. The show is making the viewers to support their relationship and actually root for them. Like a girl was watching with her family and when they have their first kiss her father said finally. Cute right?

Awwww, so cute. I don’t know how any person who isn’t garbage can watch this telenovela–so already coming in with the mindset to invest in these stories and empathize with these characters–and not love them completely. If you put together all the ingredients to make a rootable f/f ship, they tick every box. Both fundamentally very decent people, a classic rich/poor trope, self-sacrifice, a bigger external enemy, genuine fondness and affection between them where you can see they like each other, the chemistry and yearning to show they want each other.