Not to sound ungrateful but our girlies out there are already solving the mystery inch by inch and we only got 6 minutes of them being together? In one episode? Why? But like them sitting together heart eyes and all that is enough for me tho lmao

Actually, 6 minutes is more than I thought it was. It seemed less than usual but we did have major drama going on with their fathers finally meeting and revealing who they are. If there was a list of things that needed to happen on the show, we’ve knocked off Val knowing that Jacobo is Juls’s father, Juls knowing, and the fathers meeting. They’ll probably talk things out some more? I mean, this is the meaty part of it, they have to drag it, no? And the girls can’t discover it all just yet.

Though I loved that they spent a good minute of the girls’ detective time on just the hearteyes. Even when they’re not together together and they don’t get much screentime, we’re still getting such good moments with them.