in my modest opinion before making a ranking, the eras should be well defined, to avoid confusion lol… but I would rank hospital era as the second best. for me, the first meeting/park dates/swimming lessons would definitely rank first, and Lupita’s kidnapping/hospital era would be second.

Anon, you’re so right. But, but, you would put Lupita’s kidnapping in hospital era? It had the kiss! It should be separate. 

Okay, I have these:

  • Meeting and getting to know each other, until the fight
  • Guille’s party
  • Lupe’s kidnapping
  • Hospital
  • Tentatively getting together, the kiss in the car, the talk in the cafe, breaking up with Lucho, sex
  • Getting outed left and right, breaking up, Val’s hostage situation
  • Separated but then still hanging out together, investigating the Jacobo thing, Lupe finding out
  • The Sergio thing and Juls’s kidnapping and rescue
  • Getting together till the end

Is that too many? Maybe Lupe’s kidnapping should be merged with the hospital…

Guille’s party was so good too…and after the hospital…honestly, every goddamn era until the last two was amazing. And even the last one had don’t provoke me.