THANK U FOR TELLING ME ELKDTAL WAS ON NETFLIX!!!! I had no idea but I’ve been wanting to see this!! Immediately went to go watch it and I loved it! I lost it at the part w the glass boxes. I’ve seen some meta on the movie so I went in with a tiny bit of the background/knowledge that the focus was on the guys, but I loved the movie! I’m gonna have to read more meta to see anything I missed in my 1st view. (1/2)

Also I knew it was a lesbian love story but somehow still missed who the girl she loved was til it was revealed/ the story was reframed! Goes to show how heteronormative everything is until we look back differently/know full story. PS sorry if this is a dumb q but I was curious, is it typical not to have any kissing shown in Bollywood movies? Wasn’t sure if that was Bc f/f kisses would be censored or if there’s generally no kisses, the hugging was scandalous in the plot but I wasn’t sure 2/2

No problem! My friend told me and I immediately downloaded it. Honestly, I’m going to have to rewatch the whole thing a few times, there was so much going on. The latter half especially, layers upon layers.

Heh, yeah, we watched the trailers wondering who it was gonna be for so long, but I think it was hinted very strongly in just the last weeks leading up to the release that it’d be Regina Cassandra’s character.

Actually, it’s not really that common to have kissing in Bollywood movies, although there’s been more recently so definitely a choice was made here. But the absence of that didn’t stand out to me.

And another anon:

I loved ELKDTAL! Glad you’re into it too 🙂

Aw, thanks, and glad you enjoyed it too! Here’s to many more.