I dont really think the boys will be very important to the plot. I feel like they are simply the comparison group that suposed to prove that in the exact same situation boys will act out while girls will raise up to the challenge and show how much more equiped they are to handle hard situations. So i think maybe they may show a few scenes with them just to compare but i dont count on much more. Btw at this point i feel like they are treating the girls as a failed experiment

Oh, hmm, a failed experiment…well, heh. I dunno, I feel like what they wanted to prove…but did they get enough data. Actually, until the control group finishes, they can’t really verify anything.

The thing about the boys is that I do absolutely think they can deliver a group of relatable, likable boys with their own issues, some similar, some diametrically opposite (e.g., how the patriarchy handles prom), but the issue with that is they’re always going to be considered replacements for the girls. It won’t be an entirely new show with this setting, which, that’s it’s own thing, but at least you’d know what you’re getting into with that, in this case it’ll be a deliberate choice to shift focus and priority away from the girls on this female-centric show. 

Especially because I don’t think the boys will fail, I think the point of the show is that, maybe they’ll get into more physical fights, but overall they’ll ultimately end up similarly. So…I dunno, will we start on the boys and then slowly integrate what’s going on with the girls, have them be rescued and them meeting? Once the groups mix, that changes the dynamic of the show completely.