Yeah, as I’ve always said, even the scenes that aren’t Romantic are still part of the ship and dynamic, and they had a lot of scenes even before…you know.
And you know, I’m not sure if Toni was entirely optimistic so much as fatalistic, but I guess it’s the same in those circumstances. I really do want to see what happened between that and the interviews, including the whole rescue?? But Shelby changed quite a bit, so what else happened? And where’s Martha?
There’s definitely lots of content for another season, even without the boy island. Which! I don’t think it will fail, I think the point of the show is that girls/women aren’t different or Better, excepting socialization. But yes, I don’t really want to see that side of things, it can be a plot point out there but I don’t want the characters integrated like this set. As you said, that would be too many in all and too many new dynamics. I watched for these girls and now I’m invested in them, as much as I’m sure there will be interesting plots for random boys, I don’t really care that much, heh.