Thank you for saying all of that, it means so much. This completely unjustified hate towards Harper reminded me so much of Sophie. I was so so mad and hurt by that reaction as well. And like you mentioned there’re countless other examples. It’s so easy to see the patern in those reactions. She could’ve been the most likeable character ever, people would still show their true colors. The lack of empathy is astounding, and so so hurtful to rl closeted people, myself included

First, sorry I’m replying so late! Obviously I always wish I could answer earlier but some of these come off more time sensitive than usual. I do hope you feel better now even if…well, nothing’s really changed on that front, just time? Well, and as other anons pointed out, the news that the movie did really well for Hulu. And personally, I feel like I’m seeing a kind of defense spring up to the initial onslaught, so that’s nice.

And yeah, I was way more aggressive when I stated this earlier but have since calmed down and don’t want anyone to feel like I’m attacking them specifically, but we really have seen this again and again, even with more sympathetic characters. And you just can’t separate her from her background and what created her, you can’t be like, yeah, I feel sorry for all that but it’s no excuse, even though, agreed, it’s not an excuse! it’s explicitly understood to be bad, by everyone! It’s just not shown as unforgivable? Which, is that so bad?

There’s just…you don’t have to forgive her yourself, you just have to accept that not everyone will hold it against her. But some people can’t do that to such a degree, they legit think the movie is objectively bad and harmful for suggesting it. 😡