I read that ask about Filthy Rich before I saw the episode and was still unprepared! I can’t believe I was disappointed the show didn’t get a second season

Lol, did the barfy barf barf part intrigue you? 

As I was saying to a friend when we were discussing it, just from the flipflopping we’ve seen in character for the sake of plot in these last few eps, I can bet that in season 2 they’d have at some point had Becky be done with him and have the show go back to Becky/Ginger, just as they’ve been doing for all the ships, but….just because they don’t care about what happened in the previous episode doesn’t mean we’ll forget. And I’m sorry to be judgy, if you have slept with some older person who is also the parent of your husband and gf, I’m sorry to be judging. But I don’t think I could come back from that. Maybe in time I’ll just ignore the end and gif a bit more but for right now….I don’t like that.