How do you decide what to tag your gifs?

Oh…hmmm. I’ve been thinking about this since I saw this ask and realizing that I have a system I deliberately don’t think much about. I don’t want to have to think about it each post and make decisions on what to include, and what order and all that. So I just have a set of rules, I guess, and they do slowly evolve, but I try to stay consistent so it’s almost autopilot when it’s time to do that.

I think I started off with the show name, character names (up to four), actor names (same), and that was it. Oh, and spoiler tags if it’d aired in the last day, or if it was a season drop, then in the last week. But the tagging is for three purposes, right, for other people looking for content, for me to easily look up things on my blog, and for people to avoid it if they don’t want to see it. So I added femslash related stuff on my own, and then the edit and ep numbers when asked for one show, but because I like to be consistent, I’d go back and add them for others. And ship tags…I think I decided that myself too.

The only other tweak is that I used to just use the show name as it was exactly but now I go with something identifying if it’s a common word, so not just “warrior” but “warrior cinemax”. I’ve been mulling over additional tags like tvedit or wlwedit or whatever, but I don’t want to go back and add them to existing posts and also, well, that’s exposure to whole separate big groups and I don’t wanna be thinking, well, is this wlw-y enough to be using this tag or whatever.

Damnnnn I’m actually really enjoying filthy rich… and I highkey ship ginger x becky now.. I’m sad they cancelled T.T do you think there’s a chance they pick the show up again?

I do appreciate how much it gets that Ginger and Kim Cattrall are the leads, I do like to see mostly women sparring, and that within that very religious, judgmental environment and the main goal of milking as much soapy drama as possible, it does try to point out and reward when people are actually good and kind to each other. That does make it an easier watch than it might have been.

But at the same time, I do think as we get to the season finale, that it’s going to revert to the drama and will probably ruin a bunch of things in preparation for what would have been the arcs for season 2, including, sadly, Becky/Ginger. And I don’t really think it will be picked up, sadly. I think even as the summer show it was clearly meant to be, in normal times, it’d have been hard pressed to be picked up for next year, but now? With covid costs? Seems even farther out of reach.

since it’s a day away, is there something u absolutely dont want to see happen on station 19? i don’t want a pregnancy plot or for marina to just be okay again but also, i know how the show is so im going in with no expectations

Oh, god, yes, don’t even put that into the universe. I don’t wanna see any pregnancy for at least a few more years. Otherwise…well, already did cheating, so hopefully no MORE of that. And obviously no death! Also please nobody get the bright idea to make Maya abusive to show that hurt people hurt or whatever. 

But yeah, like you said, who knows. I just wanna be able to continue to ship them, so anything that doesn’t destroy that, I’m fine with.