Ginger is so soft to Becky that I’m shipping so hard and it hurts because I know it’s already canceled and will probably end on a cliffhanger.

She wasssssss. I did not expect that ep at all. I’ve been trying to downplay my expectations for this show and the ship, not gushing in the tags as I usually might because thinking leads to investment which leads to disappointment but that was just a cute ass ep for them! I can no longer deny it. 

We’re just gonna have to face that 2020 is the year where we pray for our ships to not be destroyed long enough for them to last the one season they’re allowed before cancellation.

So you think the bold type made a bad decision for the last relationship with Kat and her republican gf?

Well, I haven’t been watching in a while so I don’t really have particularly specific commentary. 

I think, from the level of writing I saw before, that they don’t really have the ability to handle a story like this? And I can’t disagree with Aisha that it seems a very OOC arc for Kat, especially after these last few years. For Jane or even Sutton, maybe, but even when–especially when they’ve made Kat a person who only recently is becoming more aware of these issues, that’s the kind of person who is actually almost MORE enthusiastically forming and sticking to certain principles, you know? But like, again, I could maybe see it as her departing from them anyway, for sheer attraction, and feeling conflicted over that, but I just don’t really trust this show to be able to handle that.

Oi. The 2×08 sneak peek for Warrior and the small spoiler? preview scene of Ah Toy x Nellie (-where AT tells blondie to run away when the goons show up.) That’s making me nervous but as you said, I’m not expecting a happy ending.

Ohhh, I hadn’t caught that earlier. Oh no…I mean, they already did a positive scene of Ah Toy and Nellie at her place in the brothel, if they’re returning there, it’s gonna be bad. The way Olivia Cheng has been promoting this season, I feel like Ah Toy will survive, but I’m super worried about Nellie. As it is right now, the high tension conflict for Ah Toy is kind of draining away, having a genuinely decent and importantly, rich and influential, white person on her side neutralizes the drama for her, she’ll always have a person to help her and retreat to and this kind of show just can’t exist like that, she may as well leave the show then and that’s not gonna happen. 

I just hope it’s something where their story can continue, even if it’s Nellie deciding (for now) that she disapproves of Ah Toy’s violent approach or something. Like I’ve said again and again, death ends the story completely, there’s no way back. 😡