Oh, awww. I didn’t catch that at all, and the closed captioning had it as “I mean” but it does make more sense that they didn’t both start consecutive sentences with “I mean”, heh. Thanks for the correction! That definitely makes that scene even cuter.
I saw people commenting about Maya and Carina’s kissing being bad, do you agree? Now that someone pointed that out i see it
Uh, no, I haven’t really ever thought about that… I don’t really focus on that, as you know, I’m pretty into the emotional aspect, and I see so many complaints on general but it’s so many factors, right, what network, what timeslot, what genre, the age of the characters, the stage of their relationship, if that particular kiss is supposed to be affectionate or romantic, the fact that f/f kisses have an extra spotlight on them to not seem male gazey or “porny”, etc, etc. I’m pretty non-judgmental about all that since I don’t know what’s going on BTS.
But I can still see how they are even if I don’t judge and these two never really stood out as being terrible to me? I guess we haven’t seen much of the actual kisses, they’re mostly just about to, hence me making a whole gifset about them smiling into their kisses, or like…hidden by hair or whatever. There was that good one in the office last season, though? When Carina flipped her hair?
Carina is a obgyn. I am sure that she makes plenty of money. Moving to whatever place would be no issue for her. I wonder whose house they will move into. I kinda hope that it will be Carina’s. I wanna see a new set and I am pretty sure that Carina also has the bigger house.
True, true, she can probably do whatever. I think from the promo pics of 4×04 it’s Maya’s kitchen so sorry, no new set. It’s probably for the best, this show would never do justice to what Carina DeLuca’s place would be like. 😛
That nasal swabbing line was so Danielle, it sounds just like her saying it and not Maya at all.
Ahhh, THAT’s what it was like! I was thinking it was a bit different from usual Maya, but it’s absolutely Danielle during IG lives, when she’s jokingly overcome with how hot Stefania is, hah
So I started watching Filthy Rich and I got up to episode 9 and I know there’s one more episode left but I’m confused? What was the point of putting Becky and Ginger together if they were just gonna break up in the next ep? Like if it was hust for the divorce then why have that convo about how they wanted to give their relationship a shot? Like th divorce is the only way the show has been affected so far so I’m just very confused.
And another anon:
I’m all confused as why they were gonna have them together Becky and Ginger to break them up so quick?
I know! It’s just so weird narratively?? They didn’t need to do that if they didn’t want to, it barely had any impact on the rest of the show. Now I’m not even sure why Becky is a character that exists at all, for all the effect on the show she’s had? Unless she’s going to take up Paul’s mantle, but even so, what does this all have to do with Becky/Ginger and why have the convo they did in 1×08…I don’t know… Ugh, it’s so much harder to deal with badly written drama than effectively written but devastating angst.
yo some anons really gotta chill….She can choose what she wants to watch alright. Nothing wrong with deciding to watch only what interests you. There was no need having to keep explaining and explaining when her decision has been made. Doesn’t seem like she changes her mind that easily once her mind is made up lol Thanks for ALL the awesome gifs you’ve made!!
And another anon:
as someone who loved bly manor, I feel the need to reiterate that your reasons for not wanting to watch it are totally valid and idk what that anon’s problem is but jesus christ
Ah, thanks, guys! It’s fine, though, it was clearly a very nonsensical ask, the quality or lack thereof had nothing to do with why I watched or didn’t, and I’m not gonna think BM is horrible by association. I can be stubborn, huh, first anon. 😛
are u fuckin kidding me?? u didnt watch bly manor but u watch that horror show that was happiest season?? jesus
Don’t worry about it, anon.